More 30 year old Ektar 25

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This time I loaded my 1975 Asahi Pentax KX with another length of the 30 year old Kodak Ektar 25 I had in fridge for years and gave it extra time in well-used C41 chemicals.

KX + 135mm f2.8 Vivitar lens at f5.6 fairly close.

KX + 24mm f2.8 Carl Zeiss Jena £10-00 'Car Boot Sale Bargain' lens at f5.6

KX + 50mm f1.4 SMC Pentax-M lens at f5.6

KX + 135mm f2.8 Vivitar at f5.6

Ace! Old fillum ftw :)
Thanks -- I have ONE cassette of 'Kodak Royal 25' which I tested and found it is really quite different in the mask colour to the Ektar 25 -- so that is in my 1970's Asahi Pentax Spotmatic F and in use.
Just shows again why Ektar is such a great film,love the dotty P shot,with the passing lady it could be anywhere in the world,apart from the £22.00 tag. :)
The lass in the Dotty P pick just takes the colours from the window.

The fence pick is extra soecial, vibrant and crazy.