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Brill...just Brill!!

You're definitley getting better at this macro Graham....I'm actually beginning to become ever so slightly envious! lol

The comment re the caterpillar made me laugh .... looks like the back end to me but I wouldn't want to get so close as to have my suspicion confirmed!:D
I can confirm that the caterpillar is indeed a very nice yellow caterpillar and that this end is its head (it has little arms/legs that hold stuff)! :)
I can confirm that the caterpillar is indeed a very nice yellow caterpillar and that this end is its head (it has little arms/legs that hold stuff)! :)

Simply curiosity, but where are it's eyes....faced downwards presumably??
#2/3 for me Graham focus good again... #1 focus off the eyes.

Interesting beasties you have there though.... In desperate need of new bugs to shoot... hopefully some on holiday.
I'm not sure they have proper eyes, but I have watched them munch through my plants, holding on to them with the 3 pairs of legs at the front!!

Right, I've looked it up and they have 6 pairs of Ocelli that are small, simple eyes that can detect changes in light intensity, but cannot form an image. They are indeed, low down on either side of the head!