More Fox cubs!

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Thought I'd post a few of a local litter of foxes. All wild, but the mother is pretty relaxed thankfully.

1. Vixen






So far all five cubs are doing well, Mum's a bit scrawny but is doing a grand job. Was very nice to actually get pics of the mother and her cubs together.
Fantastic set of pictures there, well done indeed! :clap:

Fingers crossed mum and cubs will survive just fine. (y)
Great shots. How close where you, any camo used or a hide ?
The foxes den is actually under a wooden hide in a local nature reserve, however it's not one that's heavily used.

The first time I visited I used a bag hide, but it became clear that mum wasn't overly bothered by me being there, so the next couple of times I just hid behind my tripod just in front of some bushes which were to the side of the actual hide.

I'd say I was around 10m away (but I'm hopeless with distance). Close enough that a 500mm lens is almost too long, it's just gives much nicer photos than the 100-400. The cubs pretty much only venture out when mum's around, but she's quite attentive and doesn't seem to disappear for too long. If she'd been bothered by my presence then I would have stuck with the bag hide, or even a tent one. The last thing I'd want to happen would be for her to feel forced into moving them. The cubs keep a healthy distance, which I like, I don't want them getting friendly with people.

Pretty sure Mum isn't that afraid of people as what lead me to the cubs in the first place was seeing her with this...

Which unless someone feeds foxes steak, I'm assuming was pinched from someone's BBQ nearby!
amazing shots

no 2 for me is the stand out pic
Thanks all!
Great set Ian my pick #2 only nit would like to see mums full head.
Yes, would have been nice, but they were too close for 500mm!! So cropped it square for the diagonal direction between cub & Mum.
Great set

Love the ones with the cubs.

I would say someone has fed her that. If someone is putting that on their bbq i want a invite.
Nice set and great details(y)

Now that I need to get a fox shot this year......I have yet to see one:( Last year loads
super shots fav no 2 followed by no 3
Some really great shots there
they show off just how cute they are
shame they are vermin
No 3 and 4 for me i think they are great

A great set of images well caught (y)


Oh WOW. These are excellent shots. I can't pick a favourite as they are all really good. I'm very jealous!
Absolutely love these:clap:

As you say mum is a bit scrawny - in number 2 she looks like she's been in a punch-up recently but the look from the cub makes it a winner for me. 3 is great as well.

First class wildlife shots(y)
No 4 for me, a very tender moment. Never been lucky enough to find a den but I'll keep watching out.

So cute! I saw an urban fox yesterday evening; sorely regret not having my camera with me.
Great shots, No 3, and 6, I love them. The last one with the steak reminds me of when we were camping and a friendly fox used to come and get food from the wife.

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Great images, ive gotta try for images like this! No2 is just fantastic and really shows a bond!! Brilliant
I differ from other comments, in that I prefer #5. But have to agree that they are great shots.
I suppose it's evolution that where they used to bring home a bit of road kill. They now bring back a filleted piece of steak.:LOL: