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Good shots, I like the guardian one. Do they put credits on the pictures when its printed?
nice one Rob, Crown copyright is a bummer, its a shame they cant have your name on
Well done mate. Not getting credited must be annoying!
Wow. U must be crazy to be running out front to take that photo when they were lining up against the wall! Brave man.

Great shots! Really captures the moment.
Great work with the pics, looks like someones been busy :)

Welcome back (y)
Well done, you. Your name shouldve been in the headline! ;)
Nice work mate, im really liking the Guardian shot.
You are a star Rob.
some of my friends are out there or have been out and i get a kick out of telling them i sort of know the the man behind the camera.
keep up the good work and please keep your head down.
Nice work mate, and indeed nice shots.
Tis indeed a big bummer not getting credited. :(
I had a conversation with a couple of Snipers that went something like: SNIPER: "WTF you doin in the middle of the street? They're shootin at us!"
ME: "Alright for you lot, but I can't take photos from the bottom of a ditch or hididng behind a wall..."
I must say, even the 3 PARA Sgt Maj looked vaguely impressed - or rather he stopped calling me a "poofy-photog" at that point.

Do you wear a balistic helment and stuff to help protect the important bits? I know that I used to have trouble with my sights when I had the helmet on and wonder how it affects shooting with a camera? 1st AD had imbedded photogs and reporters with them (my old unit) when we first went to Baghdad and on the whole they had more b#@ls than us. Kudos to telling a great story with your camera.

Damn right I do - Mk6 Kevlar and ECBA (old style with the small plates).
The new ECBA rubs like hell and everyone I know who patrols on foot prefers the old stuff - in Sangin the Paras took thiers off at the HLS and went in sans armour completely as they were going down with heat injuries. I kept mine on and went through 6 litres of water in 2 hours. Not good.
No real probs using cameras with the lid on, I've found. Just make sure all the straps are done right. I must be one of the few blokes around who remember the Mk6 being introduced - we were give 2 40-minute lessons on how to adjust the straps. Blokes just get the helmet thrown at them now and told to get on with it. Maybe why I see so many people's helmets flopping about with dodgy straps...

With regard bylines and crediting of images - all publications are supposed to put my name and CROWN COPYRIGHT, but since we give the images free to all the news agencies, by the time stuff gets to the papers, you often only see the Agency byline appear. Important thing is that I know it's mine and if I spot it, I can clip it for future use.
All the Agencies know who I am and the quality of my images, so that side of things isn't going to be a drama when I leave the army.
Important thing is that I know it's mine and if I spot it, I can clip it for future use.
All the Agencies know who I am and the quality of my images, so that side of things isn't going to be a drama when I leave the army.

I was going to ask, are you keeping a sort of portfolio as you go along? Of all published images etc etc.
These are so good: I really felt the tension in those soldiers against the wall, waiting to go into heaven only knows what, in the Guardian pic.

Sorry, but as I don't know you I'll have to ask.....did you join as a soldier and move into taking pics, or was that what you joined to do? I didn't realise the services had photographers; daft I know, but it never occured to me to ask who takes these shots..........I suppose I always assumed it was a photojournalist from Civvie street (BBC or something like that).

Anyway, brilliant pics. Take care
What no fill-in flash? ;) Cool shots though. Glad you're still ok out there.
I must be one of the few blokes around who remember the Mk6 being introduced - we were give 2 40-minute lessons on how to adjust the straps.

I guess this dates me some what, but I can remember the old tin lids and when the term "SLR" had nothing to do with cameras! I wasn't impressed at all with the SA80 when we first got to play with it, but I believe its matured quite a bit now...As for needing 40minute lessons to put a helmet on, thats the infantry for you! :D :D Seriously, I don't recall which version of the kevlar helmet we were issued with first, but it was a huge improvement over the old tin lids...No more having your bergan push your tin lid down over your eyes when you got down into the prone position...happy days! :nuts:


I don't know what the brittish kevlar looks like. Our American one has this leather velcro thing you fit to your head and then tie into the helmet. Apparently to go with the new uniform (which doesn't quite work properly) we are getting a new helmet with built in glasses. Since my husband is now at a strategic posting I doubt we'll see any of the cool kit anytime soon. Heck when he left Iraq he had to leave all his kevlar and plates behind because they were so short they had to issue it to someone else.
hi there,they are great pics. The boys shoouldn't be out there in the first place though.