Critique Morecambe Vintage Fair

The b/w shots have got the contrast pushed too high... in the second shot you can see this quite clearly where the man's uniform meets the background and on the woman's jumper. They're all a bit over sharpened too. The woman's face and hair in the second shot looks really odd, not sure what's going on there.

The composition in #1 is nice...its the best of the bunch IMO but you could probably lose the cases at the top and generally crop in a bit tighter and it would make a stronger shot.

# 2 doesn't really work for me at all, sorry.

Cropping # 3 and 4 tighter to concentrate on the central figures and take out some of the distractions at the side of the shots would improve them
Thanks Boogie man , that's just the sort of advice I was looking for . l'll redo Number 1 and 3 and re post , re number 4 , where would you have put the crop ?