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A various mixture of photography taken in Morocco. Including some landscape photography of the Atlas Mountains.

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Hi Chris,

Too many there to give any really detailed critique, but I do really like no.3 with the beach and birds.
Really interesting transition from left to right with the light birds and watery reflections against the dark background moving into the silhouetted birds and dark shadows against the bright sun - almost a night and day feel going on.
:) In fact the more I look at this the more I like it and would love to have a look at a larger version (sorry not got time to go searching through the link).
My only niggle is that very dark area at the bottom - not sure it's really adding anything, but would like to see bigger to make my mind up.

Briefly, on some of the others:
Personally, I'm not keen on the processing on no.1, but there's definitely something there with the smile and lovely eye contact.
The camel's another one I feel has potential, but the crop is too tight for me. Do you have any more with all of the camel in and maybe a bit of the background?
Hi Sarah,

Thanks for the feedback! :)

No.3 has had some processing, but it did help that it was the perfect time when the sun was hanging in just the right place.

I agree, looking back and on reflection I feel as though a few of my images could have been less cooked. I guess my intention was to add an element of drama and use murky and warm colours.

I'll have a look for more camel pictures! They were everywhere!! Ha...
:D I had a feeling there'd be more camel ones lurking about somewhere.

Just looking at no.3 again - that's one I could keep gazing at. If it was mine, it would be a definite candidate for a print.
The combination of taking advantage of the right light when you see it and the right amount of PP to enhance what's there is what it's all about IMO.

EDIT: I had time to have a quick browse through your link tonight. There are a few absolutely stunning shots there.
The architectural ones and the mosaic floors are beautiful.