Mother in law

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Just arrggghhhhh. Bloody joy vampire.

Sorry, needed that. Normal service in a moment
I love my monster in law.........not :D
When me and the wife first got married, she said it would never last.....that was 32 years ago!
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Anagram: Woman Hitler

Mine was wonderful but has unfortunately suffered from a stroke and now has dementia and physical problems - it's trying for all three of us (her, my wife and me) - but, boy, thankfully there are some VERY funny moments which lighten the load - my wife and I fall over laughing when it's safe to let go.
I get on brilliantly with my MiL! (Sorry).

If it helps, it's my wife who hates my mother which is actually an even worse situation to be in I've found!
Until recently I had a set:

Ex mother in law, who was a diamond in the rough and with whom I never had a crossed word. She died a couple of years ago after a long illness.

Mother in law, who's lovely, a professional God botherer, who did originally take a little warming to, but now we love each other like family should.

Step mother in law comes to stay weekends, is a bit of a pain (typical MiL opinionated), but at least the wife and I see her from a similar perspective. In fact I find her much less stressful than the Mrs does. And she's younger than me too which I'm sure alters the dynamic.
I have had 2... both now departed

The first died after my divorce. I surprised many by attending her funeral. My rationale was that I wanted to make sure she was gone. Irish wake so open casket the day before.... yep job done but disappointed I was not allowed to press the buttons for the oven..... had a 'Diamonds are Forever' James Bond moment... you just never know.

I can say that I have never hated anyone I have ever met..... MiL and a certain 'Ferrous Female' came closest to it.

2nd MiL - Heart of Gold, Brain of Sponge.
I seldom see my in-laws even though they only live around the corner. Only annoying thing the MIL does is phone up, just as the wife is about to start cooking dinner. Other than that, I'm indifferent. (y)
I'm just glad that my MiL lives close enough that she doesn't stay with us (other than very occasionally after a medical procedure), although we do get on very well. Like Steve (HughJarse), heart of gold, brain of mush! She has started getting the Daily Mail though...
My MIL does wonders for us, looking after the kids during the day when they are not at nursery/school etc. However, I make sure I never sit still when she is in the house as I become the target for random moans about the state of the NHS/work and pensions/bus service and so forth. Also, because I have Dr in front of my name, even though it is not a medical degree, I know far more about what is wrong with her than I am comfortable with.

I get a lot of cooking done when she visits, simply so I can spend time in the kitchen
My MIL does wonders for us, looking after the kids during the day when they are not at nursery/school etc.

Fantastic ;)

Mine is very much the other way. My brother in law adopted twins. You can imagine how much work and a learning curve that was. To 'help' she offered him a break by offering to babysit one of them.:hungover: WTF
When I first got together with my wife she openly admitted that she just doesn't get her Mum, on that basis there's little hope for me :LOL:

In essence, she's a decent person, will do pretty much anything for anyone, buys us unexpected gifts and spoils her grandkids rotten.

However, there's an air of unpredictability about her...... when Rachael decided to move in with me, she didn't want to tell her Mum as she didn't know how she'd react but that goes for just about everything :LOL:

If there's 100 ways to interpret something, 99 ways are positive but 1 of the ways is in the slightest bit negative.... yep, you've guessed it, that's the one she's going to go with :LOL:

Sometimes I get the impression she thinks I'm the best thing since sliced bread, sometimes I get the impression it's the polar opposite.

It'd be unfair to criticise her though, Rachael's Dad died in 2014 which despite a 25 year age gap between them, was completely out of the blue. Rachael's sister moved back in with her about 5 years ago (pretty much the same time Rachael moved in with me) with her son, she's married another bloke, he's moved in too and now they have a 2 month old baby. She works incredibly long hours too and basically just needs a bit of a break from everything but that's just not in her nature.

Incidentally..... she a doctor's reception manager............ ;)