Motion assignment

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Hi there,
I'm taking part in an assignment with the brief of conveying motion. I have a couple of ideas on what i want to do and the first of which was the below image. I think I'm happy with the image but would be interested to hear any C&C on it.


I like this, shame the car isnt a little sharper but overall a nice shot! I think you conveyed the motion very well.
Hi Nam,
Thanks for the comment and have to agree. I think the old tripod was wobbling a little at speed and hence the loss of sharpness. I think I will use this as a banchmark and look to get a sharper version.
Does your brief allow post processing?

Try taking two shots, one static and one motion and clone the static car into the motion shot?

Also it's not directly in the middle of the lines, which I think would have helped a touch.
Hi mjogreen,
Like the idea of the two shot route but could see issues with tieing in any reflections picked up on the bonnet with the true souroundings of the moving image. Secondly only mild manipulation is allowed for the assignment (colour tweaking but not much more), cloning on a new bonet would be pushing the boundaries a little :)

Also I get your point regarding the centre line, a bit more care and attention on the setup of the shot should sort that one out.

Hi Nam,
Thanks for the comment and have to agree. I think the old tripod was wobbling a little at speed and hence the loss of sharpness. I think I will use this as a banchmark and look to get a sharper version.

how did you secure the tripod to your roof?

ive done something similar to this but i dismantled my car rigs suction cups to do this

Hi mjogreen,
Like the idea of the two shot route but could see issues with tieing in any reflections picked up on the bonnet with the true souroundings of the moving image. Secondly only mild manipulation is allowed for the assignment (colour tweaking but not much more), cloning on a new bonet would be pushing the boundaries a little :)

Also I get your point regarding the centre line, a bit more care and attention on the setup of the shot should sort that one out.


Maybe use a suction pad instead then? Or use a longer exposure and drive slower? Not sure :)
I'd be tempted to crop out the car altogether as the means of obtaining the motion doesn't really matter imo

Not condoning any careless driving practices though ;) :p

(Hope I've added the right smilies btw)
I wish I had taken a photo of the setup! Basically my car has a panoramic roof so I opened it all the way and then wedged the leg of a Manfroto tripod into the drivers console, passenger seat and the rear seat with the camera poking its head through the sun roof! Was a bit nervous about seeing a 7D disaper down the road in my rear view mirror at 60 mph but the set up seemed to work(ish).

Mike have you got any images took from that setup to see how yours turned out?

i've just checked out your Flikr acocunt and found the images taken from the car roof, definetly a bit of work to be done on my shots to match the standard set!

Would love to have to time/patience/ability to get a proper rig setup!
Full rig job Mike. I have been looking on this forum for a while at shots from rig set ups and scrolling back through the thread on them. It looks like there are no easy routes of geting a rig setup without a bit of investment which for me would be a bit of a luxury for just one shot!
So I have had a play around with another idea on the drive home last night and have come up with this shot.

Any opinions on wheter this is a better / more interesting shot than the one above?

Driverless Car by p_lawrie, on Flickr
So I have had a play around with another idea on the drive home last night and have come up with this shot.

Any opinions on wheter this is a better / more interesting shot than the one above?

Driverless Car by p_lawrie, on Flickr

I think it would be tons more interesting with a driver. I think for the 'driverless' effect to really take hold it would need to be coupled with a host of electronics (see the Google driverless cars etc and their set ups).

Good shot though.