


Had a play with one of my photos from Santa Pod, just wondered what you guys thought...first time doing anything like this, so go steady ;)


Id go with post processed motionblur, looks quite good, but, the front fork of the bike has been blurred, which just doesnt look right to me.
Yeah it's done in photoshop matey, just found a tutorial on it, and followed it ;)
ooh yeh I see what your say dreeeduk! I shall rectify this
Good work Marik.

Took me a while to work out what was nagging me. It's the shadow around the rear end of the bike and tyre. Doesnt look quite right :thinking:
yes I know what you mean buddy, when I adde dhte blurr it p***es up the back of the bike, can't seem to get rid of it :/

Anyway.. next time I wont need to use Photoshop, will I joe :p
You can do it if you make a layer and 'remove/erase' the motorbike from it. This does take some time, even if you are good with the path tool (that's my tool of choice for this thing)
Then blur the cutout. That way it can't blur what it hasnt got.
Probably need to post process a little afterwards to remove any sharp edges.
... but then there are a bazillion and 1 ways to achieve results in PS2.
Thats why its so fun:bat:
it's not bad but it never seems to look just quite right when you add the blur later :)