Motors TV live rac day@Mallory Park

Edit My Images
Hi all,
I'm new to the forum and this is my first proper post so C + C more than welcome :LOL:

I only popped up for the last 6 races and i feel i got some alright photos but like i said above please let me know what you all think (y)

See my collection at
Calm down on the crazy angles!

What shutter speeds are these taken at?

Mallory Park doesn't like people selling photos - they have assigned all photographic rights to a company called Captured in Digital.
Are there any of them moving ?? - I agree with the crazy angle comment too, cant be doing with cricking my neck to see a photo, and the "Buy All Photos" link is hilarious ........sorry for the brutally honest thoughts, but if you were expecting everyone to say they are amazing, then you are sooooo on the wrong forum, this place is for the strong of nerve and brave of heart.......

Keep posting and try a bit of variety in your shots, walk about , find different spots.......

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sorry Joe
comments as above
I suggest you look at some of the other threads on here and you will learn some more.
Photos frankly look as if they are from a camera set on "sport" mode which of course is totally wrong for motorsport.
The shutter speed is too fast. If you put the camera into time mode (Tv on a canon) then set it between 80th - 160th. Pan with the car and take the photo mid pan. You'll get a smooth blurred background and hopefully a pin sharp car/bike! (y) this will improve your shots.
The angles, yeah they hurt my neck :)

But a great start (y) welcome to TP and hope you enjoy the place as much as we all do

Edit: Here is an example of panning:

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the tilted angles are FAR TO EXTREME.
Untilt, and recrop I would suggest, with a bit of radial motion blur on the wheels
with photoshop or whichever package you have.
welcome to the forum
i like the angles, and nothing wrong with fast shutter if you cant see the wheels

but.... its traditional on the forum to embed some photos rather than just post a link to the whole lot
, i'm not quite sure why so many people seem to be having a bit of a pop at the OP - unless i missed something.

:agree: i hope my panning advice is seen in the positive c&c it was intended. As you say, nothing wrong with static car shots, but my c&c would be to pan them.

Hope Joe sticks around the place (y)
I don't see why they've been slated quite as much as they have. My advice would be to stop using angles on every photo. Used sparingly it works well and can greatly improve a shot, but you seem to use it on every image. The shutter speeds do look very high, but you can get away with it since they're all head on or 3/4 shots. However, you could go a lot slower to introduce at least some movement into them.

Try and move around a little more. From what I can see, all of these shots are from the hairpin. Try and move to different corners and try different things, rather than just one type of shot.

And lastly, be very careful about selling your images. Circuits can take a very dim view of spectators flogging photos, they are copyrighted and the technically the property of the circuit/promoter, so you could land yourself in hot water by selling them.
Sorry if my tone was a little harsh, blame it on Monday grumps.

I tend not to shoot tilted, unless I'm bored, my reason for not is that tilting can be usually be done afterwards, but its a lot harder to straighten a tilted shot. GaryP is the master of the tilted shots.

Sports mode, if thats what you're using, is fine for sports where freezing the action is important, eg most sports involving a bat or a ball, swimming, running or jumping, possibly horse riding, but motorsport is the opposite. You want to retain mostly sharp images, but with blurring to some parts - usually wheels, and the range of shutter speeds used is going to be from maybe 1/60th second to maybe 1/400th second - and shutter priority mode is often a good mode to use. If you can't see much wheel then you can get away with a higher shutter speed.

Mallory doesn't have much in the way of catch fencing, and being quite a small circuit you can easily move around the whole track, and apart from the central spine that leads to and from the hairpin, the only difference between a public ticket and a media pass is simply between 2 to 6 feet

I quite like the shot you can from the outside of the Devil's Elbow, close to the fence, but you need very quick reactions and a pretty short lens, especially with single seaters which take this corner absolutely flat. You can also go to Gerrards and a panning shot with the lake in the background, and there are some good angles at the Esses, both infield and outfield.
what would be ironic is if the OP is one of those members that posts, and then never comes back to look at the replies LOL

As his photos are also for sale, if he posted once and never came back, would this be spamming?? :puke:
Hi all,

Thanks for the comments, i will take on board everyones comments. As for selling i aint bothered about that all i'm jusy trying to find somewhere to display my photos and get feedback :|

I have some more photos at slower shutter speeds that i think you will like, i will post them in a bit....i was shooting on fast shutter speed around 1/800 just to try some diffrent angles obviously not to everyones liking but trial and error :shake: :nuts:

Thanks again,
Me again,

Reread my comment from before and did come over all Mr snot-bags, so apologies for that, we all start somewhere, so keep snapping, keep posting ( attachments or imbedded images per what Gary said ) , and you can only get better......., the years of experience and technical know-how on this site is beyond amazing, so listen to all that is said.......

sorry Joe
comments as above
I suggest you look at some of the other threads on here and you will learn some more.
Photos frankly look as if they are from a camera set on "sport" mode which of course is totally wrong for motorsport.

My comments were intended to be helpful. I hope they are. If you are up at Oulton come and have a chat or if I am down at Mallory I will do the same. We are a friendly lot on here.
As for the slopey images I have to admit to spending a lot of time PP straightening mine up as naturally i must tend to drop on one side and end up with slightly wonkey images.
Welcome here
we all started somewhere, My tip if you canis try going completely manual, you will really screw things up but you will learn a lot about exposure shutter speed, iso settings aperture etc and all the different effects they had. I did and it only took me a full season;);)
Yh i will take everything board for sure, i'm only 17 so any help is more than welcomed and yes it would be great to meet you at a meeting sometime (y)

Thanks for all the comments and advice guys i will put it into pratice on weds at Mallory :clap:

Oh, I can feel the love, in a kind of backslapping manly dude way.......:LOL:
"Yeah, lets go for a pint and discuss ef lenses ":beer:

Can't we talk Zuikos instead???