Mountain Biking in Black Mountains

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I recently went Mountain Biking with a friend in the Black Mountains and took my DSLR with me. It was also a chance to try out my new LowePro Photo Sport 200 AW bag which, I have to say, is amazing and highly recommended.

Anyway, these are mostly landscape shots using a single fixed 35mm f1.8. I did have another lens but I found the small 35mm was perfect for just taking out and getting the shot.

Comments appreciated:

Assessing the Trail by Ikari Warrior, on Flickr

DSC_0058-2 by Ikari Warrior, on Flickr

DSC_0029 by Ikari Warrior, on Flickr

DSC_0008-2 by Ikari Warrior, on Flickr

DSC_0053 by Ikari Warrior, on Flickr
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The first one is lovely. Would have been even better had the rider been a bit further back on the trail (closer to the camera I mean).
He's a quick bugger. I had stopped to take a shot but he was a fair way away. Although at full res he looks quite close.

Definitely going to do some more shots next time.