Mouthing Off at WHF

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In a vain attempt to keep pinkness away from TP for a while, I thought a few Gob Shots may keep the snake happy :p

Starting with a Tiger

My favourite cat from the day, the Clouded Leopard

The Snarling Serval

and finally, (already posted) the Snow Leopard

Did it work or will he turn red with rage :shrug:
Overall some really nice work (y) and great to get some many well times ones (y) wouldn't want to be a dentist round there :eek: it's a shame to have just clipped the ear on the third :( but other than that great set :clap:

Nice one Gary (y)
Did you enjoy your day there ?
Thanks Matt. I know what you mean about the ear but that was the order for the day, they say not to care about it too much so you get less bg in the shot! Maybe I should crop a bit more so it's not just a little bit missing?

Thanks Ingrid. It was a great day even though it was damp. Even better, work paid for me to go!

Going back in August for their open day just to see the cats :D
These are absolutely great :), I'd be ecstatic if they were mine! Were these just with the 550D and the 100-400 lens? If so then you put me to shame, proves that it is me that holds back my shots rather than the equipment I use!
Yeah, 550D + 100-400. I did borrow the 70-200 they had there but none of these were with it.

Thanks (y)
A very nice set, love the clouded leopard shot!

I can't believe himself hasn't been in yet, after all the thread title will be irresistible for him…. After all, his pinkness can't resist a fight!!! :LOL:

Some very nice shots from a great place - been there twice in the past and both times the clouded leopard didnt play ball. Just wondering but on my screen they all look a tad oversharpened

Cheers Scott, I think they are my favourites as well (y)

Stan, you may be right. I've printed a couple (the leopards!) at Tesco and they come out pretty good if not a tad darker but the sharpness looks okay?
Lovely shots :)
Been to WHF a few times now it's a brilliant place, wouldn't mind popping back when the leopard cubs are allowed out to play. I heard a rumour that they are stopping photo trips next year :-( I hope that's all it is
Cheers Chris (y)

I was told by the guy from Experience Seminars that WHF are not letting them back next year. It may be that WHF just want to run their own courses there?
I heard they had problems with one group not following instructions and pulling back from the fence when told. The money it costs to run the place I'm not surprised if they were going in house
Only just spotted these Gary, nice set,
I particularly like the Cloudy and Serval (y)
I heard they had problems with one group not following instructions and pulling back from the fence when told. The money it costs to run the place I'm not surprised if they were going in house

Such a shame when people spoil it for others. I hope they can keep it going in house as it is a lovely experience.

Only just spotted these Gary, nice set,
I particularly like the Cloudy and Serval (y)


Thanks Chris. I thought you'd suspended yourself after the other day! :cautious:

Yep, cloud and serval are my favs too. lovely series!

Cheers Tim (y)