Mozilla Firefox

Can any get or tell me how to get activex running in FF3
ActiveX is an IE-only thing. There used to be an extension that gave some basic ActiveX support, but it hasn't been updated in 3 years.

There's more information about it here
I've always used the Netscape/Mozilla browsers for as long as I've been using the Web. Started of with Mosaic and Netscape when I was at university and afterwards. Then went on to use Mozilla Suite and then Firefox :)

I only use IE at work because I'm forced to because it's the 'preferred browser' by the company. I did install Firefox but I was told to remove it by my line manager. Ironically the current head of IT uses Firefox on his company computer! Even he's told me that it's okay to install Firefox as long as you don't get caught! :)

Sadly I was caught :(

The good news is that the final version of Firefox 3 should be released this Tuesday! Excellent News!
There's no ActiveX involved in that at all - it's all Java.

The Photobox upload works here, with Java 6 update 5 and Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9pre) Gecko/2008061505 Minefield/3.0pre ID:2008061505, which is identical to RC3.

In what way does it not work?
There's no ActiveX involved in that at all - it's all Java.

The Photobox upload works here, with Java 6 update 5 and Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9pre) Gecko/2008061505 Minefield/3.0pre ID:2008061505, which is identical to RC3.

In what way does it not work?

It just said loading and then nothing at all.

I'll wait until the full release then have a proper look at my set-up
Best I can think of is first to try reinstalling Java, if that doesn't help try Firefox in safe mode and lastly with a new profile.

What's posted on the 17th will be identical to RC3, so it doesn't make much odds whether you wait or not.
Thought I would install Firefox RC3 which IS good! One thing though, unless I'm missing something very obvious I can't find a "browser back" button, all the others seem to be present - refresh, stop, home tec.It's a pain having to go the long way round just to get back to the previous page :thinking:

Maybe I need my eyesight checking - I can't find it....

Cheers, (y)

I moved away from IE two years ago due to the slow speed. Initially used firefox as an alternative and found this to be much faster. However I've recently been using Opera (ugpgraded to 9.50 last night) and found this to be just as fast as Mozilla plus I like the Opera interface (Speed Pages etc) I have heard that Safari is fast and uses the same colour space as Adobe for images. :)
Right click in the menu bar, select Customize, then click Restore Default Set. Should fix it.

Doh! Ok thanks, I have it now. Sometimes that brain just doesn't do its job properly......
Firefox. All the way. To the point where I install it on user's computers at work and try and get them using it.

In my experience the only web pages that don't display correctly are the ones coded badly.

Ive installed that susane, 3 times in fact, then shut ff and restarted it.. but nothing shows on my right click of images. If i click properties, still just shows the usual grey windows box with size etc. :(

Also, may be nothing....but after installing FF 3 beta I had a hell of a job when using Lightroom and Photoshop CS3 yesterday.. took forever to open images. Could ff be hogging memory. Seems a coincidence as it happened an hour after installing FF and restarting PC.:shrug:

Hope tomorrow's FF3 will sort the problem.
I've used FF on my PC and lappy for a couple of years now since it was recommended to me on here in fact ... :D

However, since swapping everything over to Mac I now use Safari and am getting to quite like it and, although I would never go back to IE I wonder whether it might be sensible to give FF a go just to compare with Safari ... :cautious: ... especially with v3.0 out on the morrow ... :shrug:

Just wait for another official version of Firefox 3 which is due on Tuesday... ;) You'll be blown away :)

Firefox are trying to beat the world record for the most software downloads in 24 hours. Everyone, download Firefox 3 tomorrow (and use it, it looks amazing)!

Thanx for the heads up guys ... (y) ... might have missed this since I am in Scotland and using Safari on the Air ... ;)

The awesome bar is one of the things I notice people don't really talk about.....but should, it really IS awesome.

Just type what you want into the address bar, and it will use a mixture of your bookmarks, your history, and a google search to take you there.

To get to TP I just have to type Talk Photo into the awesome bar and it brings me here :D
You can just type in Amazon or Jessops or Canon printer drivers and it usually knows where to go.
BTW The Download Day for FF3 starts at our time 18:00 this evening.
The awesome bar is one of the things I notice people don't really talk about.....but should, it really IS awesome.

Now that's funny as from what I've read it's the one thing people want to turn off.
Really? I can't think why...I love it :D
Although I suppose people who dont want to actually use that feature, it might be nice to be able to disable it.
Am i missing something on mine? mine don't bring me here when i type that :LOL:
It's actually called the AwesomeBar

Tony you have to be using FF3 ;)
I'm going to see if i can find it on Google :) Thanks

EDIT: Okay i am downloading now :LOL:

Wait, you don't have to pay for it do you?

No, but its still unreleased at the moment, not properly anyway. At the moment, it's only RC (Release Candidate). The full and final version will be released at 18:00 tonight.
I've downloaded it and i am using it now (y)

Kinda really really different to the other one :)

I like the Blue back and forward and refresh buttons at the top, stands out more
Got my copy..... looks good
Please wait until 6:00pm to download it, you'll be part of a world record ;)
The new one seems so much faster :LOL:

More plugins work aswell :D
I think one of the main reasons IE still has market dominance is because the vast majority of PC users don't know that there is any other option. :shrug:

I've been using FF for years, though I went through a period of using Avant, which is built on top of an IE base, but was better imho, if not only for the way it displayed bookmarks/favourites, which was across the page in columns, rather than one column. And that column of favourites is not scrollable in IE like it is in FF.

I've never liked IE, but the newest version has a particularly horrible user interface.

I installed Safari on my laptop to see what it was like, and while it is quite nice, if a little plain, there didn't seem to be anywhere to report problems, and so far I'm not sure whether Apple are supporting it on the PC.

I've just downloaded the latest version 2 of FF just in case it is as big a change as the last IE update, which I didn't like, and put me off using IE even more than before. :LOL:

While there are loads of add ons and plug ins for FF, the only one I use is the dictionary/spellchecker. Just make sure you get the English (British) if you want to use it yourself as you may end up with some nasty American spellings. ;) :D