Mr Scruffy

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One of my regular Great Tits, amazing what the 7D can do at high ISO's

1/3200 f8 ISO3200
Must be a good camera that 7D, it's smartened him up quite a bit.;):D
Spot on again Ken
Thats very nice Ken. I always find great tits difficult, unless the light is just right you lose all detail in the black feathers. No problems here.

Noise is way to much for me unfortunately, it looks like its been shot then obliterated by Noise Ninja.
I know it seems to fly in the face of the other comments but i would not be happy shooting at that ISO if those were the results.
Unfortunately i agree with Craig - there's very little detail if any retained retained in the birds feathers.
Considering the iso it really is pretty good and I wouldn't be too unhappy with the feather detail, but pushing it that far has flattened dynamic range. It makes me wonder why you shot at that iso when you could have almost knocked a nought off the shutter speed and still got the shot.
Nice one glad you are enjoying your 7d
Just seeing what the 7D can do, until you try these things you don't know, I don't usually shoot at 3200 ISO.

I had an idea that was the reason. It could come in very handy when the light is poor.