Museum Visit - Tips!

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Hi folks,

Total Newbie here pestering you again :naughty:

Going to RAF Hendon (Museum) in a couple of weeks to photograph aircraft,

Just wondered if anyone has any tips they would like to share....

Camera settings...interesting angles...

Any help is appreciated

Kind Regards

Hi Ben

First point is you need to check what their policy is in terms of photography. In my experience most museums and galleries will allow yout to, but specify no flash. However some say none at all.

I was in Eltham Palace at the weekend and got collared taking internal shots (without flash).

In terms of equipment, as you'll be taking internal shots you may also want to take a tripod (again if allowed). Could be invaluble if light levels are not so good in some locations.

Good luck on your visit
Looks like you should be ok then.

In terms of lens, if you have or can borrow a ultra wide lens, then would be useful as you will be quite close to some very large planes! I'm thinking a 10 - 22 mm or something like that.

You may also want to take some of your pictures in black and white, or convert them in post processing?

That's my tuppence worth anyway!