Music on website

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Does anyone think background music on your website is beneficial ? Has anyone noticed an increase in sales or visitors staying on the site for longer? My website host allows me to add music and i've always been tempted but just not sure it's worth doing. Surely some music won't suit certain genres of image and then it creates a focus point away from the images.

any thoughts welcome
No. Just no.
If a website has background music with an option to activate it then I will always leave it off. If the music starts automatically without permission then I get cross at the intrusion, and am far less likely to consider purchasing something.
No no no no no.
Lather, rinse. Repeat.
Did I mention no??
Nothing drives me away quicker from a website quicker than tacky music in the background. Do yourself a favour and leave it out.
Not even musicians ... but they could you a button to click. The answer to the OP is no.