Must be a quiet news day


TPer Emerita
Yvonne, pronounced Eve...
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Oh maaan. it was better when it was a mystery!!
spoilers make the baby jesus cry...

and me :crying:
Far from it. It must be one of the biggest news days for decades.

The Times has dumbed down massively.

Besides, everyone who wanted to know who the Stig is found out years ago.
Far from it. It must be one of the biggest news days for decades.

The Times has dumbed down massively.

Precisely my point blue, its not exacty 'news' is it. Though I sometimes read various 'intelligent' newspapers, or watch TV news and think its endemic throughout the industry, not just the Times and the BBC! I wanted to throw something at the TV this morning on BBC breakfast when they cracked a joke, then explained it :bang:

hey ho, back to the inauguration ;)
It doesnt matter if we know who the STIG is he is still superhuman...

I love the first comment :LOL:

"The stig is 007!! you cant make this stuff up" :LOL:
This is far worse than the outing of Santa,The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy ----- a piece of great fun now sadly spoilt.
Pete. the way he's been going on lately I assumed it was going to be Barrack Obama :naughty:

Well the man who plays the stig will now lose his job at the BBC....the same day Obama begins as President.

Coincidence? I think not....
so thats why he never even takes his gloves off
He was the guy who parachuted into the open top Merc on TG a while back. Other than :LOL:

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