MY 182

Dunno about weak - looks rather strong with just 4 drops of milk :D

Looks very blue - was that your mood? :)

was indeed at the time i upped the blue abit was a pick me up coffee so i could sit and think of an idea of a shot but then it came to me

feeling tad better today still no confidence in the shot but certainly more so than yesterdays not quite what i expected when i started editing but i think i may like it
Really good use of selective colouring Jade. As Del says, a little more punch would being out the colours a little better, maybe tweak the contrast/levels. A nice shot nonetheless.

Glad you're feeling better today, the confidence will grow. (y)
I really really like that jadE! I think the colours only could do with a bit more punch! but great stuff!

I agree with Del! Great idea and composition - a little more punch in the colours and it'd be perfect!
and keep going! you are very brave! i need to motivate myself to do something similar.... :)
Just caught up with this one jade and good luck to you for the year ahead :)

The seagulls and 2nd bottle shot are my pick of your shots so far! :clap:

Good stuff :D
thanx for the support

todays been a bit of a toughy felt c**p and lack of inspiration so its a late one
this is the first pic you have seen of me on my 182 i dont have a very high opinion of myself
so i doubt i will be scareing you with too many

so heres todays
A really great shot, i think it seems to sum up your mood for the day and does so very well. and i agree with fabs above comment - one reason to raise your self confidence is the fact that u are even doing this 182! thats dedication :D
thanx both of you
the only problem is I dont think my photography is good
love the shot of the trainers, good use of selective colouring ,

i have a guitar but it in a cupboard hidden somewhere ( wish i could play it lol ) closest i get is guitar hero :)
Some great shots here Jade well done especially liking the self portrait and the trainers keep it up.

cutting it fine again folks just couldnt find anything to shoot
i will try and keep pet photos down but they are a big part of me so here is the pride and joy

he came and gave me a cuddle when i was getting stressed at the camera so i took a pic of him instead

and this one is just for fun my stressy with a lazer pen
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Aw, so cute!. If pets are such a big part of your life then there's not reason that they shouldn't be a big part of this thread. (y)

Definitely! About 90% of my photos at the moment are of my cat! :LOL::p
i dont want to bore you all lol
might have to get some snakes out for a photoshoot for you there abit more exciting

todays pic was actually taken yesterday

My favourite shot so far :) You take very nice photos, I think looking at all the incredible photographers on here can sometimes get you down thinking "I can never be that good." or "I want to aspire to be that good!"

All a confidence thing really :) I'm in the same boat.

Keep up the good work!
Todays been a long day anxietys reaking havok which is annoying went with a friend to go have a look at some shops and ended up buying lots of books so todays photo for the day so i can look back on today as a triumph rather than a bad day is​


book in front is a top read truely fasinating the writer is amazing ill be searching out more by her
21st jan (bit early)


i wasnt sure wether to post this one but this is a personal 182 and this a very personal subject
hey guys pic for today is taken but im away for the weekend so all pics will be posted asap
Jade - I've only just seen your thread. First off - good on you for attempting such an ambitious project. I'm struggling with the '52' challenge and know I couldn't do what you're doing.

You've got some excellent piccies and I would be pleased to get anything up on my thread every other day, let alone some really well thought-out and well-executed stuff like yours. :clap:

I love how we get glimpses of you and your life running through the photos. Very best of luck. :)

right folks im back im sorry i was away but had to sort myself out abit

i cant remember the order these were taken in but i have some catching up to do

i have more to edit yet so please be patient


I'm going to see this tree 4 times through the year a picture in each season so there is winter folks




ok just to warn you my lens died i think it was in process of dying here as there abit soft