My 1st flash macro

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Finally managed to set up a flash macro rig that doesn't turn into a windmill after 10 minutes.
After looking at some insect macro sites I shot in manual, hand-held.
Now to learn how to avoid white flash spots and get in closer. I can't work out how many people use a tripod, the subjects are so skittish! Any advice very welcome.

A great image sorry I can't offer any advice on using flash. I know what you mean about a tripod, it's very awkward, you can get sliding brackets that fit onto the tripod so you can slide the camera backwards and forwards which I am looking into which should make it easier.
If the subjects alive and can move, a tripod / focus rail is just about useless - the subject will have done a runner by the time you've finished faffing about trying to get all 2mm of DOF on the eye of the subject :D. Just keep practicing and try early in the morning or later in the evening when the bugs are a lot less skittish. You've done well with the lighting as you've still got detail in the petals, try and get the bugs from the front / side so you can see the eyes.
hi what kind of setup are you using currently I want to achieve the same sort of results but am really unsure of how to do this thanks in advance
I find my ring flash always gives the circle of light on a reflective area- I now use an off camera flash for my insect shots, or no flash at all and up the ISO to obtain the higher shutter speeds needed for hand held shooting

Les (y)