My 2010 - Photographing Drifting

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thanks for he good words.
My panning technique is no where near good enough yet, but I've properly enjoyed working on it this year anyways!
& yup, Drifting is amazing fun. Drop by an event somepoint in the coming year
Its interesting you do motor sport and you have a 5DmkII would have thought a 7D would be better for this.
So good photos above 1 and 2 are best I think.
( Helps if you number them as well )
oh not sure it is sport, in my view any how.

Thanks for the comments. I might edit the original posts and add numbers when back on my home pc, thanks for the heads up.
Just out of interest, how come you mention the choice of 7d over the 5dmkii? Personally I went for the 5d due to the full frame sensor and for exapmle: seeing a lot of the photographers for use the 5d and shoot motorsport with stunning results. I have a friend who uses a 7d for shooting drifting and he highly rates it, but also rates my 5d. Would be cool to get another opinion though if you get chance to reply.
Cheers, james
I'm a massive drifting fan though I haven't had a chance to shoot it in a few months, will hopefully get to all the BDC rounds next year. There are some great shots there, especially like the processing on number 2.

I do agree with Chaz's comment about the 5D Mk2, although a stunning camera I would have also though the 7D be better for motorsport. In fact someone I know that shoots for upgraded from a 5D II this year due to the fact that the AF and FPS were both too slow.
I've used the 5DmkII alongside the 1DmkIV for the last couple of years and love it. Ok I won't use it for start shots etc but if your technique is good you don't really need lots of motordrive plus I'd always want one full frame body.
I've used the 5DmkII alongside the 1DmkIV for the last couple of years and love it. Ok I won't use it for start shots etc but if your technique is good you don't really need lots of motordrive plus I'd always want one full frame body.

I think thats spot on to be honest.

I havn't any problems with slow AF this year with my 5d mkii, personally I have found it to be perfect for drifting. At most of the better drift events all of the drivers are very consistant with their speed & line etc, so it makes the panning and focus very simple. I have to admit i chose the 5d mostly because of the full frame. But motorsport isn't the only thing I shoot, so it is SUCH a good all round camera for me.
as regards to shooting fast sports with a 5d2 I think other options are better with faster autofocus more FPPs and bigger buffer

True for a lot of sports such as football, where faster AF really helps. Its fine for motorsport though. 99% of my action has been pre focused.I use AF mainly for crashes, race action and overtaking (if your pre focus is not where the action is) and podiums.
Same goes for the motordrive. Good for crashes, unpredictable action and low light in the garage stuff where drilling it helps.

At most of the better drift events all of the drivers are very consistant with their speed & line etc, so it makes the panning and focus very simple. I have to admit i chose the 5d mostly because of the full frame. But motorsport isn't the only thing I shoot, so it is SUCH a good all round camera for me.

Agreed. Having had a 1DsmkII before, I was a bit sceptical of using the 5DmkII but I've really grown to like its versatility, like being able to remove the grip to have a lighter remote camera or a less conspicuous camera-handy for things like travel/documentary photography.
cool, thanks for your comments on that one blackdevil. Good to hear it from someone else aswell, especially as you have used a 1d example alongside the 5dmkii.
Not really into drifting (although I've seen 'em on the telly and it's a skill on the track) so I can't comment too deeply.

However, I think there are one or two greta shots here that would easily go towards a kind of essay/article on the subject (2,3,7). Really good editorial shots that would help give a visual insight to the sport.

One thing though, and i know you can only shoot what's put in front of you, as someone who's used to watching glitzy, logo-laden F1, cars like those old Toyotas and the MX5 just don't look great adverts for the sport in that respect. It's obviously something anyone can do, regardless of car, but as for showing 'wow' shots to numpties like me who think it's like racing, the graphicked-up Nissans look soooooo much better

Rambling now. Too much Guinness.... ;)
Not really into drifting (although I've seen 'em on the telly and it's a skill on the track) so I can't comment too deeply.

However, I think there are one or two greta shots here that would easily go towards a kind of essay/article on the subject (2,3,7). Really good editorial shots that would help give a visual insight to the sport.

One thing though, and i know you can only shoot what's put in front of you, as someone who's used to watching glitzy, logo-laden F1, cars like those old Toyotas and the MX5 just don't look great adverts for the sport in that respect. It's obviously something anyone can do, regardless of car, but as for showing 'wow' shots to numpties like me who think it's like racing, the graphicked-up Nissans look soooooo much better

Rambling now. Too much Guinness.... ;)

Thanks for the good words mate, glad you like some of the photos. To be honest I only ever take photos for myself really! So when people say they like some of them it's great to hear!

In regards to the cars, I totally get what you mean and can see exactly where you are coming from.
Drifting in the UK is still quite strongly based around the grassroots events like practice days/track days. Don't get me wrong, the main competitions like the JDM allstars series & the BDC etc are filled with loads of incredibly well put together, professional & presentable cars and that is the place to find the bodykitted/sponsor stickered up cars. (P.S I REALLY recommend attending some next year, you will love it!)
I plan to attend as many of those events in the coming season as a photographer rather than a mate helping out friends and watching some drifting! So hopefully a lot more of my photos this time next year will be of the Pro guys in their pro cars which will be fun.
Most of the events I attended this year to practice my own photo techinique was at the grassroots practice days, thats why the majority of the cars pictured are of the MX5's, AE86 corolla's etc. The practice days, in my eyes anyways, are the back bone of the sport. So for me, seeing those guys throwing around the cars they build at home on the drive just shows the spirit of Drifting. Hopefully it also shows one of the best aspects of Drifting as well, having a good time with your friends.
Thanks for commenting though mate, got me thinking and rambling on anyways.!

P.S. no such thing as too much Guiness man!

Forgot to add as well. Click the vimeo link below for a little taster into what higher level drifting is like in the UK at the moment. Might temp a few of you to get along to an event next year.

This video was made by a great film maker, Stephen Brooks. Click the link and watch it:]

Really great photo's mate. Drifting is something that i have been looking into shooting for a little while now since seeing a little bit of it at Santa Pod a couple of years ago.

IS there a calender anywhere of all the events next year so i can see if there is anything coming up near me?
Nice set mate, I'm really into drifting and hoping to get some shots next year. Any tips for panning? What focus mode do you use, single or continuous?
Really great photo's mate. Drifting is something that i have been looking into shooting for a little while now since seeing a little bit of it at Santa Pod a couple of years ago.

IS there a calender anywhere of all the events next year so i can see if there is anything coming up near me?

Go onto

They list every event.
some nice shots there. I would love to take up drifting myself, i do a wee bit of rallying at the moment but i still would need a lot of practice before entering an event lol best of luck for your drifting season!
thanks for the replies again everyone:] honestly, really glad people like them.

also as already has been said, for more info on 2011 events to get along to, visit and on the forum there is an event section with eveything listed from practice days to full blown competitions:]
Very cool photo's there mate.

I'm also into drifting, i've been to Mallory Park once (must go again cos it's a fantastic track for drifting), but my regular haunt is Santa Pod, I try to go when I can, but Wednesday dwyb's aren't the best for me.

I've not been to any events for a little while as I just haven't had the right time off work lol.
I have to admit i chose the 5d mostly because of the full frame. But motorsport isn't the only thing I shoot, so it is SUCH a good all round camera for me.

The exact same reasons for me recently buying a 5d mkII! You're shots are excellent though, which lens do you find the best for motorsport?
Image 1064 is good would have liked some more picture to the right to give a better feel of movement. That's just me : ) nice pica
Nice shots mate. I'm fairly new to this forum but have been into drifting for a while and entered the odc this year. Ive got an s13 with a sil80 front end. I'm only a beginner but thought it'd be fun.
I'm quite new to photography in a way. Could use some pointers at photographing drifting if I ever attend an event you might be at!
Brilliant mate. I love drifting. My brother is currently getting his car/van built. I'll take some photos next time I'm down there.
You should get yourself covering the BDC or JDM Allstars this year mate, I'dnot be surprised if you could find yourself a good site to work from. I covered the BDC last year for OMGDrift, was great fun!
well - sadly, as the OP had :dummy: I think this thread has run it's course. Frankly It's hard enough to encourage people to give critique around here, without the OPs throwing their toys out of the pram whenever they don't like what they hear. This is one of a number of threads that this member has sabotaged, and frankly I think that this behaviour is completely unacceptable.

mind the doors people
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