My 52 Photo Stream 2010 - A HANDFUL OF BEAUTY - Week 50 UPDATED 12/12/2010

Jurgen, I try to stop by on each thread once a week... it might take all week... but I try...

I really like the wheat field shot... I agree with you on a desktop wallpaper... some great details and texture in the wheat ears and excellent colours.
Week 25


Hi there people and welcome back well what a week for me as I am still having slight health issues with my dam poorly leg but have managed to get out and about this weekend both to my friends to finally catch up and meet there new addition to the family, that being little Ben and what a little star he is as he quite happily posed for the camera whilst trying to pull a whole manor of faces. There were too many pictures to choose from as he is so cute so I though this cheeky shot would do him some justice? I went on the annual Great Nottingham Bike Ride today and 50 miles was hell this year mainly because of my leg issue and I am so very out of practice! Well I hope you all have a great week ahead of you and many thanks for revisiting to check out this week’s image both me and Ben hope you love it as much as he loves the camera, so let’s hear your feedback as be good everyone, Jurgen and PS thanks Ben for your studio time x.

Jurgen, he is a cheeky little chap isn't he, and what a great expression you've caught. The image looks great, but it looks a little underexposed... I see you shot in Aperture priority with no exposure compensation, and (if I've understood this properly myself) the camera has evaluated the white as mid grey, and underexposed the image a little. You need to set some +ve exposure compensation to bring the white up to white. Did you shoot in raw, if so, that's easy to do in raw processing. I went through a period, where nothing came out exposed how I thought it should be, despite the fact the camera said it was spot on... now I shoot in manual, and don't mess about with exposure compensation.
Week 26

The Power Of Swan Lake

wow what a scorcher of a weekend! not much time for photography this weekend as I was working this Saturday and today was out of the question all be it I did try but nothing much came back from my efforts but we did make it back in time for the football. so this week’s image comes from a little trip out to once again Attenborough Nature reserve heading towards Sawley, another opportunity to try out my new wide angle lens and how long did I wait for this swan to drift into shot? well again I like it as it couples the serenity with the sheer awesomeness of the industrious Power station looming in the rear of the image, I especially like the reflection and the carefully controlled colour of the white steam! I hope you all like the image and as always I look forward to your comments have a great week everyone! Jurgen

Week 27

Free With Desire

Welcome back everyone this weekend has been a busy and a hot one! Friday night I managed to make it to the Red Bull X Fighters show that was held in the Nottingham market square which is where this week’s image comes from, unfortunately most of the images came out rather silhouetted as this was a massive learning curve for me for which I failed so I have used the silhouette to create this rather retro look and feel after a little manipulation within my photo editing package overall I think it has come of rather well and thus thought I would post it up so as to get your thoughts (and any tips you may have on exposure light metering!) this Sunday I spent the day at the R.A.F Waddington air show and the imaging results were very similar yet again so I think I need some help with fast action subject! Well I am sure I can get a few images out of the trip and will try and perhaps get one up next week for your all-important critique. Ok guys thanks again for popping back and passing me your important thoughts and comments on my images, have a great week one and all Jurgen

Week 28

Power & Panache Of Yesteryear

Hi there everyone I trust you are not all dying from heat exhaustion? What a hot weekend it truly has been, well not much photography completed this weekend due to more I.T issues AGAIN! (All be it I cannot be held responsible for hardware failing I guess?) My server died last week so I have had a rather busy weekend with data recovery and thus have had little time to head out in this scorching weather armed with my camera. This week’s image comes from the 1200 or so shots I took last week at the R.A.F Waddington air show, as I mentioned it was a true learning experience as far as light metering is concerned and I only hope that I have a better photo shoot when I go to the Farnborough air show on the 25th which just happens to be my 40th birthday too (Ouch!) well I do hope you enjoy this beautiful rendition of the sublimely classic Vulcan bomber aircraft in flight? I love the beauty of this aircraft and to think it so very old now too, again just basic processing completed within Adobes Lightroom and viola awesome! Many thanks for revisiting the blog and for all your feed-back guys have a great week Jurgen

Power... it's a good idea... there's a couple of things... Not easy to get the exposure right, and it looks like the swan is a little bright... not sure if that's from processing, but you also have some haloing around the chimneys... What I'd be tempted to do, as you have the reflection in there, is to crop the image to a sort of pano format, putting the horizon in the centre, and filling the image with the reflection, I think there's a bit too much empty lake...

Free, looks like really challenging conditions... to get a non silhouette, you'd probably end up with a burnt out background looking at that... I'm not sure what options would have been open.. However, I do like that result...

Lovely shot of that old Vulcan... it works well.
Week 29

The Call Of Duty

Hi there all welcome back to not only my weekly photo blog but to my new website, I do hope you like it and please bear with me as there is still work on-going wit the site but please enjoy looking around the images and remember to keep your comments coming back to me. This week’s image comes from the R.A.F Waddington air show that I went to a couple of weeks ago. This chap along with many others was dress in original German military attire and with the help of Adobe Lightroom I have simply sharpened it a little and applied this aged filter for effect, I hope you like it. well I have a busy weekend lined up for this coming week as it’s my birthday and I celebrate by going to the Splendour party in the park in Nottingham 24th and yet another air show at Farnborough on my birthday Sunday, what a great way to celebrate my 40th Birthday! Ok everyone thanks for revisiting the blog and the new site, take care and have a great week Jurgen.

Week 30

Pet Shop Boys

Hello everyone and what a weekend I have had!! As, Sunday saw me hit the ripe old age of 40!. It all started on Friday as I went out for a meal with some of my closest friends followed by attending the Splendour event at Nottingham’s Wollaton Park on Saturday which was Ace! and this is where this week’s shot comes from with the Pet Shop Boys Headlining the event, not much editing on this one just a little sharpening and cropping and we were done. So then onto Sunday my actual birthday, I went with friends to the Farnborough Air Show which was fantastic so all in all a fabulous weekend, thanks to all of my friends and family for making it happen and all that leaves me to do now is sift through well over 2000 images and watch this space for more pictures from this weekend. Many thanks for all your comments and i hope you like this week’s offering? Take care one and all. Jurgen.

Week 31

Top Gun

Well what a week I have had after last weekend I finished this week’s holiday with my 40th birthday party BBQ on Saturday night so thanks to everyone for coming and a big thanks to my Brother & Sister for organising it, so with all this I’m afraid there was no time for photography this weekend so this week’s image comes from last Sundays visit to the Farnborough Air Show now this picture has been cropped quite a lot so as to better fill the frame and with a touch of sharpening and colour adjustment we are left with this awesome! Image I hope you like it and please do leave your feed-back as usual I could do with a few ideas’ for photographic subject matter so if you can think of anything that you would like to see then please let me know ok. Many thanks everyone have a great week, Jurgen

That's a great set of images Jurgen...

Strollin stands out for me.. love the colours and yet you've bought out that subtle box beutifully.
Week 32

The Carving Is On THe Wall

Welcome back all, well a few things have happened this week but the main one being that I am thinking of changing my brand of camera which is in itself a huge decision so I have several items up for sale on eBay and Amazon market place if anyone is interested? There are a few reasons for changing / upgrading but now I have to sift through the mind field that is choosing what Brand and model of camera to get. None the less there is still a weekly blog shot and this week’s offering comes from Lincoln Cathedral when myself and my good friend Andrew visited last week. I thought it looked quite Arty once cropped and a filter applied and then I slightly sharpened the image and played a little with the tone curve to better show the dark and shadow areas. I do hope you like it and remember to leave your feed-back and any ideas of subject matter you would like to see in the future once I have decided on which new camera to go for? all the best everyone and thank you so much for returning and taking the time to look at my images I do believe it has helped me so very much over the past months. Take care, Jurgen

Hi there Patrick

many thanks for your feed - back sorry for the late reply but I don't always come onto here as the feed - back is few and far between as you can see from some of the comments many people have missed my thread for some reason and perhaps it dosn't get as many views as i would have hoped for?

thanks again and I am glad you enjoyed the images so far...

WOWSA, so many cool well composed and presented images, great eye!
specific mentions to these images which stood out to me - 4, 6, 14, 24, 25, 27, 29 & 31
Love the colour and variety in your shots, you're a very competent photographer ;)
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Week 33

The Horse In The Striped Pyjamas

Hello everyone it was a bit of a strange week in that all seemed to go very well and then a seriously bad family news on Friday followed by a little bit of a strange and sad weekend, all seems to be OK at the moment and before you know it I'm back at work. this weekend also See's the sale of all my Sony camera gear as I head into a new venture now turning to Canon or Nikon, I haven't quite made my mind up as yet but it's looking a little more likely to be Canon? so with that in mind I am this week reverting to old stock photo's and this offering comes straight from the horses ass and was taken from my visit to the West Midlands Safari Park. it's an image I had seen done in a book called "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson and i liked it so I hope I have recreated just right with a little sharpening and tonal changes I truly believe this would look great on canvas. well onto the exciting week ahead as I still fumble around trying to decide what camera to purchase next, but at the same time I am very excited and hope to continue to bring you all great images in the coming thoughts are with my Dad and his immediate family this weekend and I hope that he gets better soon best wishes to you all and thanks for returning, Jurgen.

WOWSA, so many cool well composed and presented images, great eye!
specific mentions to these images which stood out to me - 4, 6, 14, 24, 25, 27, 29 & 31
Love the colour and variety in your shots, you're a very competent photographer ;)
Hi there Dade

many thanks for your comments and I am so glad taht you like my images I am still learning and I just hope that I get better over time? all your help support and feed back is always welcomed.

Kind regards

Week 34

Left To Rot

Hi everyone, well firstly good news my Dad is on the mend so that’s great! news, well I have not had chance to get out and about as last week saw the sale of all my Sony camera gear and thus I am having to go back to older images again this week, so here is this weeks image taken from my massive collection of pictures from my trip to Scotland’s Glencoe earlier in the year, this old bike just makes for a photographers dream as we saw it stood up against this old shack so I just couldn’t resist! I have spent a little time on this and I believe I have cropped and adjusted the tone curve within Lightroom to give what I feel to be a slightly high contrast and punchy image? but hey you are the critics and I am simply the photographer. let me know what you think and please do all have a great week. I myself will be looking forward to getting my new camera at the end of this week Yaah!! take care guys and thanks again for revisiting, Jurgen.

Week 35

Bubble Splash

Good day to you all its the bank holiday and the sun is shining Yaah!! I hope you are all enjoying your time off and doing something fab? OK as for me the long wait is over and I am a converted man! the new camera is in my possession and it’s a beautiful Canon EOS 7D, its an amazing piece of kit and I cannot express enough how chuffed I am! so with that in mind I popped over to Matlock on Saturday for a quick walk with my brother and his girlfriend so as to snap a few pictures and followed that up with a brief visit to the National water sports centre yesterday and I again can say that I am staggered at this cameras performance with its bundled kit lens the images are crisp sharp and colourful, and this is without really delving into the Miriam of features its can offer me if I tweak the settings, so this weeks shot has not been touched at all apart from cropping and I hope you will agree that the image is awesome quality? well I like it, OK guys have a great week and thanks for the feed back as always, all the best from your newly converted Canon EOS User Jurgen.

Week 36

Could It Be Magic?

Hi there, what a week I have had experimenting with my new toy (Canon EOS 7D) I have managed to pick up a 300mm lens for it as well this week so it will be beans on toast till the end of the month now for sure! I managed to grab this shot whilst on the way back to the car in Rufford Country Park on Friday and I think it was a rather nice specimen to stumble upon? slightly faded the background out and tweaked the colour saturation and Viola! I hope you like it and remember to leave your all important feedback, I hope you all have a great week and thanks for revisiting as always, Jurgen.

Week 37

Tweet Tweet

Hi there people I trust you are all well? not a great deal has happened this week for me so I am feeling a little drab and under enthused to say the least! but hey it’s the weekend! I popped out to Rufford Country Park again this afternoon with my brother and his girlfriend so that i can try and use my new 300mm lens. There wasn’t much going on to be fair and with me feeling a little tired and unenthusiastic I came up with this little tweetie bird for you all, not the greatest subject and I have no idea what kind of bird it is but it looks kinda at home on its heavily shaded branch. well I hope you like it and next weekend I am off to the Renault Touring cars championship (Or something like that?) so please all have a great week and see you all soon, Jurgen.

Week 38

Ye Ode |Rusty Tonka

Hello and welcome back, well I hope you all had a good weekend as I know I did with it being slightly extended having booked Friday off too, well I have just returned from a Renault open day at Silverstone and I am glad that I managed to prepare my weekly blog yesterday as I am only just about defrosted after sitting up high in the stands for 6 hours, but think it was all worth it looking at some of the images I managed to get? so watch this space! in the coming weeks. Anyway onto this weeks image which I personally absolutely LOVE! one of my best by far (In my opinion) I grabbed this shot whilst walking round an old dumping ground near to Radcliffe on Sour Power station on Tuesday last week just before going to my photography club, it has been layered and tweaked in a few places so far as colour, texture and some lighting, it looks AWESOME in black and white too, but I wanted to show you the colour version first to show it’s agedness and decaying colours which cover a massive tonal range. I am so happy with this image and also plan to enter it into an upcoming print competition. I hope you like it and please send me your feed-back as always, take care guys and gals, Jurgen.

Week 39

Tram To Crich

Hi there everyone, wow what a busy weekend I have had, and today I went on an 8 mile walk (I am bloody cream knackered) with my brother and his girlfriend. We went round the Crich area and we nearly went into the Tram museum but then we saw the price for entry!! so we continued on our way rather sharpishly, after a couple of miles we settled down for a bite to eat after passing a large quarry and about 50 yards from where we sat there where some old tram tracks, so I couldn't resist and as I was happily snapping away look what came along out of nowhere! apparently this tram is 80 years old! so the driver was telling me as he came over to make sure I wasn't trying to commit suicide. so with that in mind I have simply cropped the image slightly and applied a filter tat I found call "Fair Well To Old Arms" and then introduced a little grain and a slight graduated filter at the bottom to bring you back into the image. I hope you like it and have a great week one and all as I am on holiday this week Yaah! cya soon, Jurgen.

Its a really nicly composed image but I personly think its suffering from over editing. its a pity the edge of the very right hand rail was not included,

Cheers Stuart
Week 40

Sheepish Recession

Hello again, welcome back all. well today see’s the end of my week’s holiday so it’s all back to normal tomorrow. I haven’t been up to much in my time off it was simply time away from the day to day drudge of work and to use some of my holidays up really. I hope you all had a great weekend despite the miserable weather. I managed to get out on a walk with my good friend’s Andrew and Chris on the Saturday as we went clambering up rocky climbs in the pitch darkness of early morning in a hope to see a great sunrise but alas we where let down by the mist of the morning. This is one of the things that disappoint me about Landscape photography after a 4:30 start it can be quite disappointing but I still think I managed to get a couple of shots using the mist to my advantage. this weeks image is quite a simple one in its composition, I like the kind of zig zag lead through the image to the almost totally faded tree in the rear of the image, with just the one sheep being inquisitive enough to glance at us idiots taking photographs of him over a rather large stone wall, and using the mist to create this gentle recession within the image. I hope you like it and please do send me your feed-back as always. Have a great week everyone and do take care, Jurgen.

Week 41

Padley Gorge

Welcome back, well it was a fun packed week (NOT) as it was my return to work so I had little time to pursue that important thing being photography. Friday myself and my mate Andy managed to take a trip to the fames Padley Gorge up in what was not so sunny Grindleford, however this made for ideal lighting condition. It was a bit of a stumble down to the gorge and I so wish I had taken Wellington boots as I could have gone paddling with my trusty tripod.

I took about 30 – 40 shots in varying locations along the gorge at differing F stops to try out different exposures, but what I found most difficult was trying to close the image down to a main focal point as the background was often quite busy and with no dramatic lighting this made for a difficult composition.

so what have i done to this image? well there is a graduated filter top and bottom in reverse expose / brightness levels to try and bring out the brown of the water and darken the background to bring you back into the action of the flowing waters. All the usual sharpening and colour correction has been applied and with the flat light coming in from above over a long exposure I feel this makes for a great image whilst trying to keep some of the brown colour to the water. Overall a very ethereal feel but I must say I loved the challenge and would welcome a trip back there soon.

I hope you all like it and remember to leave your feed-back via the website as it really does help me think in differing ways when trying to produce these shots. All the best and take care everyone, Jurgen.

Week 42

Chillin In The Park

Hi there, well week 42! and it’s nearly Christmas too! well what a fun packed weekend i have had which started with a visit to the highly recommended Bradgate Park in Leicestershire, I have to say it was well worth the visit as it’s a beautiful place without a doubt. There is some fantastic scenery, trees and Deer 100′s of Deer! Sunday was a visit to my friends in Carlton to take Photos of their daughters children which was bloody hard as at least with the Deer it stayed still. so I now have a few hundred photo’s to sift through and process (Joy Oh Joy).

So here is this week’s image of a rather beautiful Stag lazing the day away under the shelter of the tree foliage. just cropped a little to the left and dulled the background down a little, I hope you all like it?

Thank you everyone for all your continued comments and support have a great week, Jurgen.

Week 43

Curiouser & Curiouser

Hi there everyone wow week 43! it’s slowly getting nearer to Christmas, well here we are again on a Sunday night and time for this week’s instalment from my Blog for your pleasure. well last weekend I was asked to take some pictures of my friends children which gave me a chance to try out some off camera flash using a couple of cheap White umbrella’s and light stands and I have to say I was VERY! happy with the results overall.

So with that in mind I bring you this Curiously stunning photo of the lovely Ella which has a had very little done to it. t I have converted it to black and white and played around with the tonal curves to produce this high key effect. A great story telling image and what is she thinking?

Well I intend to enter this image into this week First round projected image competition at my local camera club so fingers crossed that the judge will like it as much as I do? again I am always on the lookout for models to volunteer so that I can better home my photographic skills, so let me know if you know of anyone and please remember to leave your feed-back on this or any of my images as it really helps me.

Thanks everyone and have a great week! Jurgen.

Week 44

In Vogue

Hello everyone, well what a rubbish week I have had in terms of my personal illness with a very badly infected leg its been murder to get any sleep let alone any photography done! so this week I have had to stop indoors and revert to back catalogue images. I have posted another from my very successful portrait shoot from two weeks ago, so here is the lovely Ella again for your critique. I have added a filter and given it that almost magazine feel (Well I think so) and overall i think it works very well.

I have made some changes to the weekly email template and you should now be able to forward it onto your friends and family and get them to subscribe to my weekly letter and you will also be able to unsubscribe should you wish too? it’s still a little work in motion so please report back to me with any issues that you may have? as well as leave your much valued feed back on this or indeed any of my images within my blog section of my website.

Have a great week everyone, Jurgen.

Week 45

Old John

Hello everyone and welcome any new members to this my Blog site, well a bit of a boring week as I have been off work due to illness but things are looking allot rosier now that my leg has healed a great deal, many thanks for all your well wishing. so this weeks image again comes from my back catalogue of Millions of images! I had a little play with this one and as you can see the results are fantastic and in all honesty I can say this really does sum up the day we had when we visited Bradgate Park in Leicester, as the rain clouds where very heavy with these somewhat amazing patches of sunlight bursting there way through wherever possible. This in turn gives a fantastic light in the mid-ground and across the “OLD JOHN” building on the hill top whilst it still manages to convey a very threatening outcome within the sky.I love it! (But I am bias) I hope you all do to and many thanks for any comments that you leave.

Have a fantastic week one and all, Jurgen.

Hi Jurgen,

I've only just seen your thread - there are some nice images here. I really like the sheep in Week 40. Your latest doesn't do much for me I'm afraid. I can see why you like the dramatic sky - and I like that too but I'm just not sure about the composition or the processing to be honest.

Week 46


Welcome back to my weekly Blog, it’s been a week of anticipation and hope this last week leading up to my trip out this Saturday to what would hopefully be a sunny trip to Cymorthin in North Wales, I had to quickly try and change my working shift at work (So thanks to the people at work for swapping shifts) and then a few days of dreaded hope that the weather would be good? Well we set out at stupid O’clock on Saturday morning (3AM) for a three hour drive to arrive in pitch blackness, which was followed by a rather steep incline walking on broken fragments of slate for the old mine, eventually as the sky lightened we where presented with what can only be described as a Fantastic day! so here for your pleasure is just one of the many beautiful images I managed to grab from the day, I love the reflection and have left a little land in the bottom corner to frame the image, the cloud to the right I found very hard to tone down (so any tips will be welcomed) none the less I personally love the image and it conjures up what a wonderful day I had, thanks to Chris for scouting the place out and Andy for driving, please leave me your feed back via the comments section on this website and have a great week everyone, Jurgen.

Week 47

Rannoch Moor

Hello everyone, as we slowly encroach upon the Yule tide of Christmas I find myself looking back into the archives of what seems like a million years ago as I drag from the archive this rather lovely image taken early this year whilst up in Glen Coe, this was actually taken on my old Sony A550 DSLR and I have done little to it other than a touch of noise reduction and colour saturation.

This week has seen little time for me to enjoy any real photography and as yet I still havn’t had time to go through my images from last weeks visit to Wales.

I have been watching loads of video’s and reading up on portrait / flash photography so I am keen to give that a go over the next few weeks so watch this space everyone.

There has been a little confusion on the weekly blog email as people seem to think that they are getting the same image each week? but if you read the email there is a link saying “Click Here To See This Weeks Blog Shot” please use that as the image at the top is simply part of my email template please leave your feed-back on this weeks image or any other image on my blog site and forward the email on to your friends and family,

Well have a great week everyone and thanks for your continued support, I am off to see A-Ha in concert now Yaah! Jurgen.

Week 48


Hello and welcome back to what is now week 48! I trust you have all had a good weekend? I have really enjoyed this weekend with the exception of the SNOW! but after what was a rubbish week of work I headed out to see a good friend Laura who had asked to be put into the Flashlight of my camera, following on from my ealier plea’s for model’s now the remit for this shoot coverred all teh usual portraiture shots along side some art sytyled images.

This was my first proper shoot since obtaining my lighting equipment and after much reading and the viewing of some video’s I thought I would give it a go! now thats not to say that I did make a few mistakes and I am sure I can take these on board for further shoots but overall I was very happy with the results and I can only hope that Laura is too? so this weeks image is a straight shot with very little manipulation within Lightroom, teh backgroubd was a plain wall with a speedlight setup behind Laura with a Gel applied and was shot at a very low power with the front facing Speedlight at approx 45 degrees, just enough to light the hair in mid flight.

Well I do hope you all like the image and as always your comments are needed and always well recieved so let me know what you think and if you or anyone that you kow may be interested in being a model for my ongoing training and development, many thanks everyone and have a great week one and all, Jurgen

Week 49


Hi and welcome back everyone and any newcomers to the site welcome, well I have been off work this week and what a rubbish week it has been with all this snow, I just hope it all goes soon as I will be back at work on Tuesday. Well a big thank you first to Laura for allowing me to point my camera at her and produce such stunning images last week , because since then I have had at least half a dozen people finally put their name forward for some modelling yaah! I have been asking for this for some time now and I am very grateful to all that can help.

I am really trying to find some kind of venue that I could use on a ad hoc basis as I could do with a large room in order to better facilitate these photo-shoots, so if anyone out there has any idea’s please let me know OK.

So with the rubbish week out if the way and a return to work looming I set out today to what will be my second photo-shoot with the stunning Jemma, having made a few mistakes on the first photo shoot I was a little better in my understanding of what i wanted from this shoot and again I have come home with a stack of great images but this week’s image is this rather casual pose that has had very little done to it, I hope you all love it as much as I do and please as always leave your feed-back.

Many thanks to everyone for coming back to my blog week in and week out I do hope that my images ae getting better? have a Fab week ahead one and all, Jurgen

PS; A massive thankyou to Jemma I hope you like your Bloig shot image as well as the others that you will see on Thursday x

Flickr link to a few of the images from this Sunday

Week 50

A Handful Of Beauty

Welcome back one and all, I trust you have all had a good week. well finally all the snow has gone from where i live and that means that I can get out and about with no fear of breaking my neck or camera gear!

So with that in mind I will have to bore you some more with another shot taken from last weeks photo shoot, after spending a long time processing these images I have to say this is my absolute favourite image of Jemma I just love the look and peacefulness that the image conveys. The high key has worked well to emphasize the eyes and tones running through the hair (But I am Bias).

I hope you like the image and as i have about 3-4 people more to photograph in the new year I am sure you will see some more images of this nature in the coming weeks, I am still trying to find a cheap premise that I can perhaps rent out on an Adhoc basis to better facilitate my model - portrait shoots, so if you know of anywhere then please let me know.

Well it’s nearly Christmas so does anyone have an idea for perhaps a festive portrait shot or otherwise? Ok so who has a Santa suit? I as always look forward to your feed-back and hope you all have a great week ahead, Thanks again to Jemma and I am so pleased taht you liked your images. take carte everyone, Jurgen.

Hey Jurgen of your latest offerings 45 and 47 are very good images, as for the portrait stuff - week 48 is fantastic, nice lighting, great movement and well captured - something worth exploring further I think ;)
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