My 52 Photos of the year!

Hi Stuart, I seem to be another one who has neglected your thread. You have a very nice selection of images on a wide range of topics. I particularly like the BBC building. It is really spectacular.

This week's is an interesting perspective but I think it can be improved with a bit of PP. I would tweak the levels and also try to get a bit more out of the sky by dodging and burning.

Tidied up!

What lens did you use for the last pic Stuart? Nice shiny train!
Hi there Stuart. I'm one of the group of 52ers who have never got round to the non-themed ones - and now I know what I've been missing I'll definitely drop in more often on your thread. There are some cracking good images to enjoy. :)

You've got some good motion blur ones - my favourite is the train. I've tried to understand the mirror one - but it's way too clever for me. But a good combination of technologies. :)

Hi Guys,

Thank you for the responses, the lenses I use are on my profile,

Very busy week and I have not had time to play with my camera so this is an older one.


Cheers Stuart
Hi Stuart,

I haven't been on here much in the last couple of weeks, so catching up again.

Car on Bridge : I like the motion blur on the cars - I think you've judged it really well and there's a nice architectural curve on that bridge.
For me though, the people on the right aren't really contributing anything to the shot. They're not sharp enough to give a real focal point, but not blurred enough to give a sense of motion.
I feel like there's a good shot lurking in there, but I'd crop off some of the RHS to lose the pedestrians, straighten it so that the b/g building is vertical and then run the burn tool over the sky to bring out some more detail.

Carpet Man : I'm not really a fan of this sort of street shot, but there's something appealing to me in this particular scene. I'm with Jenny on liking the composition and colours (just a shame that you chopped his feet off), but there's something more than that which draws me in. I just don't know what.
However, I don't think that your problem is so much with the DoF being shallow, it looks like you've missed the focus slightly. It seems to be on the foreground carpets rather than his face.

Girl on steps : This is a personal thing because I don't really like candid street shots, so I find it quite hard to offer any comments. The one thing that does stand out for me is that the focus seems to be off on this one too - I'd like it to be on her face.

Thing?????? from this week : Absolutely no idea what it is, other than lots of shiny metal :LOL:
I think you've missed out on some interesting abstracts in this one. Get in close, and make the most out of some of those curves and shadows.
Cheers Sarah.

Thank you for the comments, I'm not big on street togging ethier and i can see what you mean about the foucs being off, Manual foucs doesn't lend its self to street photography, they are mearly snaps.

I really need to find the time to get commenting on every body elses photo, but so far this week I have not had the time to take my camera out of its bag.

The metal thing is an the brand new head for an Alfa Romeo T-spark engine, it was there when I was taking my car to the mechanics, as it was in the workshop I didn't really have a great deal of time to photograph it.

Just seen this as I was randomly browsing, I am going to start this 52 thing as I've just bought my first DSLR and think it'll help me learn. You can see a noticeable difference in your photo's , especially the bird in post 32 and the tree in post 40. Keep it up mate. :)
Cheers Guys.

Feeling gullty because I am just not finding the time to read the other threads and my work load keeps growing, anyway this is a photo from a Gig I was at last night.


Interesting Thread, as I am learning too.

I find Nikon Capture NX is great for photo editing with RAW images.

I like the effects achieved with a slow shutter speed in a busy environment.

I notice some pictures are soft on focus but the photos are better than I'm capable of at the moment.
Blimey, I'm behind... sorry Stuart...

The one with the man with all the carpets is excellent, wonderful colours and well composed.

Love the engine head, the 16 valves look great.

I'm in two minds on the cobweb... it works, but I'm not sure if it needs a little more contrast or definition for my tastes.

The gig shot works, and given the lighting (I'm guessing based on the exif) it's come out well, a moody looking image.
Love the grin on that frog/toad, very well spotted and shot. Crisp and sharp

The trapeze looks great. Looking at the exif it was a tough one too... Shame the door wasn't shut rear left, but not sure you could have done much about that... too the right would have lost her face, to the left you wouldn't have the profile, which I do like and think works very well.

I like the stillness and movement caught here... I'd love to try something like this myself. Only crit would be the pile of fencing behind the boards.
:D A clever play on words there Stu... I like the idea, and the colours almost give it a monochrome (well blue and white) look... it just feels very unbalanced to me... that might be the way the chimney (??) appears to be leaning away from the edge of the frame on the right hand side.
I love the photo of the station a great mixture of stillness and movement :)
:D A clever play on words there Stu... I like the idea, and the colours almost give it a monochrome (well blue and white) look... it just feels very unbalanced to me... that might be the way the chimney (??) appears to be leaning away from the edge of the frame on the right hand side.

Yes several people have commented on that I think I will crop out the far edge of the chimney when I gat hope tonight,

Cheers Stuart
Hi Stuart, I seem to have missed your thread for the last few weeks.

I love your frog photo. Excellent.:clap::clap::clap:

The station photo is also very clever, but a pity about the distractions that John pointed out.

I also really like the chimney shot. If you just straighten it slightly and maybe crop it slightly on the right, I think it would be just right (y)


really entertaining thread, with lots of variety. Keep up the good work (y)
Love the colours and the idea here Stuart... I can't work something out though... it looks like the feelers and the front body section, back of the head, are clear and sharp, but the from eye isn't... It would be spectacular with that... still, it's a nicely composed shot of that bee having a drink.
Hi Guys,

I had not actualy given up on my 52 but had just stopped posting them because I never commeted on other peoples photographs!

But here for your enjoyment is the rest of my 52! :D







Cheers Stuart
last one!


Not doing a 52 next year but would like to think of a diffrent idea, I was thinking of "30 portraits"


Have just looked through all of the ones you have posted and the underpass train and this are my personal going to attempt a 52 myself next year and to start with am going to look at planning for what I want to take in a diary......
Very nice set to finish with there Stuart, glad you got to the end.