my beautiful baby girl

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Any comments would be most welcome.



The 1st thing that strikes me with these images is the angle you are shooting at.

Next time she is asleep on the bed instead of shooting down on her pillows and all, Move her into the middle of the bed pull the sheets tight then get yourself down on the side of the bed so your eye level. !


Firstly congratulations. I became a father myself in November and it's just the best thing in the world. Your daughter is very cute, you must both be very proud.

In terms of the pictures, I really like the two black and white ones.

I found that I didn't get too many great photos of our daughter, Phoebe in the first month or so as her eyes were closed a lot and she spent most of the time asleep or feeding which wasn't great for photos. I used that time to get some nice photos of some of the little details, like her feet, hands, photos with her toys etc...

Enjoy it!
Firstly congratulations. I became a father myself in November and it's just the best thing in the world. Your daughter is very cute, you must both be very proud.

In terms of the pictures, I really like the two black and white ones.

I found that I didn't get too many great photos of our daughter, Phoebe in the first month or so as her eyes were closed a lot and she spent most of the time asleep or feeding which wasn't great for photos. I used that time to get some nice photos of some of the little details, like her feet, hands, photos with her toys etc...

Enjoy it!

You lucky *&%@$, our youngest spent the first 3 months crying :crying:

To the OP, CONGRATULATIONS to you both, you must be thrilled, and what a cutie (y)
Although the first shot is a little muddy in its processing for me, it is my favourite for the moment it captures which is just lovely :clap:
Edit: For me, if you do a levels tweak by pulling the middle slider down to about 125 or 130 it lifts the image nicely.

As said, shoot away whenever you can and especially hands, feet etc as you've got a nice fast prime there (y)
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