My Daugher

Firstly - Sack the vignette. For Studio style portraits it usually isn't required.

I've seen worse from 'professional studios'

With one light I'd bring it up and more square on What I would term 'loop' lighting not quite rembrandt and not quite butterfly. If I can find it I'll post a good you tube link!

How far away is the light to you subject?
I thought the vignette looked ok... will remove it and see what the look like..

The first picture, the flash is off to the right about 1.5 meters, facing away from the subject into a silver umbrella.

The rest, I moved the flash so I was sitting mostily underneath it. Still pointing away and reflecting back.
I think they look better without.

With speedlights I prefer a shoot thru brolly. And The closer the better - The light in this is pretty hard due. If the brolly was say 2-3 feet from the subject the shadows and lighting are much softer and the light source 'appears' bigger in relation to the subject.

A shoot thru brolly allows you to get closer than a reflector type.

In the studio we often shoot with a 90cm Softbox as the key light and I'm either right up next encroaching into it or I'm cropping/editing it out of shot as this give the lighting that I like.
thanks... I will try and cut down the vignette...

I have actually (today) ordered a shoot through umbrella and that should arrive tomorrow...
thanks - will take a look...

have removed the vignette from the rest as well..

cheers for the advise... :)