My Defender

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Adsy..... get rid of the ruddy "One-Life" sticker, f-gawd sake!
And Land-Rover's.. I mean proper Land-Rovers, should NEVER be subjected to under-skirt neons, wheel spinners, or over-blown HDR 'Max-Powah' post processing!

They should just be got decreetly dirty, and captured in thier natural habitat... its like trying to clone out the wrinkles on a zoo elephant.

Dave... like the leafer... but do something with them recovery cleats before you completely tater the dumb-irons! They look to be in serious pain!

And no, you shouldn't look that proud... THIS is 'proppa-stuck', this is!

(and that one has carpets! ;) )

but then again actually so was this!

Would you believe if I said I was actually run off the road by a Four-Trak!
(Glad we had the Rangie with us!)
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Well i would say that this is more than a little stuck. . . . .

sprout 6 by ****ant69, on Flickr

and this is why the sprout HASNT got carpets. . . . .

sprout 5 by ****ant69, on Flickr

as for the recovery hooks, they are getting reinforced and a new heavy duty bumper made, a never ending project,
Looking good there Big G, bet we could get rid of that shine tho eh. . . . .
Is "sprout" a series"? My brother-in-law just got his series on the road after months of hard work. Need to take my camera next time he takes me off roading with him.
Is "sprout" a series"? My brother-in-law just got his series on the road after months of hard work. Need to take my camera next time he takes me off roading with him.

yae mate, early series 3, 1972, had it in places it should NOT have gone, but keeps comming back for more (y),
Why would anyone drive straight into a deep mudpit like that.
Isn't it obvious what would happen?
We've had Defenders from necessity since 1970 until 2010 and I hate the uncomfortable cramped and thirsty things.
Isuzu Rodeo we have now is much better for what we need.
The final straw was when they did away with the middle seat in our favoured truck cab version.
yae mate, early series 3, 1972, had it in places it should NOT have gone, but keeps comming back for more (y),
They do.... I couldn't believe some of the crazy inclinations I got my SIIILWB over to..

And on this little excursion, driving the Street-Rover we were leading a first timer in his freshly renovated ex-mil... he was a school-teacher ISTR and had rebuilt it, following the green-book, on a budget... that didn't include tyres! It was on milk-float remoulds to get it through an MOT and he was a tad concerned when he spotted all the full-Muds every-one but 'Burt' our rangie was wearing!
Just before that pic was taken, we'd come up on the tail of another group; the challenge kitted 90 tail-end charlie to. A wash-out had stalled them and a group infront of them, claiming a Toyota and a Frontera, both on full muds, and the Chellenge 90 had only just struggled through in a shower of powa!
Ex-Mil chap was a little nervouse... but I took the Rangie through smoothly with a bit of a run & some momentum.
Every-one looked at Ex-mils tyres and offered ropes... but he had a secret weapon.... the Diesel Engine hand-throttle for PTO!
Opened it up to 1/3, stuck him in 2nd low, and told him to just keep his feet on the floor, his fingers on teh rim of the wheel and let the thing chugg its way through..... went through a treat, to the amazement of onlookers...
Best of all though was on old S1 at the same P&P as below!
Pair of kitted Disco's were daring each other to a 45 degree climb... anoying little blighter, with a ditch and dog-leg half way up, no one could make.
A Mitsubushi driver had ripped his rear bumper off and was loading it in the back, as one of the Disco's made it to the dog leg and bogged.....
Then the chap in the S1 burbled round; looked up and decided to go see if he could help, and before any-one could warn him... had bounced straight to the top, got out and was asking what the problem was!
Hardy things the old leafers... but by geebers they are bone shakers!
Why would anyone drive straight into a deep mudpit like that.
Isn't it obvious what would happen?
We've had Defenders from necessity since 1970 until 2010 and I hate the uncomfortable cramped and thirsty things.
Isuzu Rodeo we have now is much better for what we need.
The final straw was when they did away with the middle seat in our favoured truck cab version.

That one?
Yeah.. there was a "WTF Did I do that for!" moment after....
Thing was, that the hole was crossed two ways, and there was a ramp down i the direction poor old Rangie is pointing.... and ramp 'out' the other side....
"oooh.. That looks an interesting track" Thinks me and drives in... and all goes well until.... yup.. I hit the cross ruts and the car just DROPPED about a foot to its sills! "Ah! so THAT'S why no-ones going this way!"
It's one of the very few occassions in 10 years Landying I have had to be on the wrong end of a rope though, and was in the more helpful enviroment of a P&P.
This poor chap was a little less fortunate though....

Took this PJ into the bomb-hole, assuring his missus that all was well, '"Its got a snorkle!" till the water was lapping at the windows.... at which point with flooded engine bay... the leaks in the accessory snorkle became apparrent... one V6 petrol engine with bent rods!
We tried hauling it out, but it wouldn't shift... so he got out... and opened the boot to let the water out.... made it a tad lighter to try shifting..... must have been half a ton or more in there, it was swamped to the seat cusions!
Then we dragged it out with a winch....
Turned out it was supposed to be his daily driver!
His missus was walking round and round in the tree's fuming at him!

I actually took the center seat out of my SIII.. front was cramped enough without any-one in that perch robbing poreciouse elbow room, tangling feet in the forrest of levers! But then, did have two benches in the back to take 8 other passengers.

Thirsty? They all are. Price of all wheel drive transmission, under a two-ton barn with the areodynamics of a half glazed greenhouse! The SIII was an oil burner... small solace... gutless as well as thirsty! But at least expedition tanks meant you didn't have to fill it to often... but flexible friend needed artificial ressusitation when I did! (held 150litres! probably cost more to fill these days than I bought the thing for!) Last two Rangies, though, both been V8's on gas... still thirsty... but at least they sup the cheap stuff.... when you can get it of course! Bit more civilised than the utility models too. Always find it rather strange when people grumple or applaud 4x4 mpg figures, though... hey, if ecconomy is that important why buy one? Go get a Micra! And the Landies dont seem to do too bad amongst the competition. Trying to go fast is biggest killer of consumption, and Landies natural lack of refinement is natural deterrant to that one! Comparison between obtained mpg between TDi defender drivers and TDi Disco's shows that one. Deffy drivers seeming to get better consumption than expected, seldom attempting to go much over 60, disco Drivers seemingly convinced that as a 'Family-Car' it ought to be at least as fast as a Mondeo, and attempt to cruise at 80 on the motorway, belching clouds of smoke from tired turbo!
But at the end of the day it's one hell of allot of fun.........
Why would anyone drive straight into a deep mudpit like that.
Isn't it obvious what would happen?
We've had Defenders from necessity since 1970 until 2010 and I hate the uncomfortable cramped and thirsty things.
Isuzu Rodeo we have now is much better for what we need.
The final straw was when they did away with the middle seat in our favoured truck cab version.

Why not, its called FUN, we do as often as we can when we can, as for having Defenders from "necessity" from 1970, a 1970 land rover is a series land rover NOT a defender, as for the Rodeo, no soul, no charachter, each to there own but i,ll stick with the sprout thank you very much, slow, smelly, slow, noisey, slow, uncomfortable, slow, draughty, slow and thirsty, did i mention slow, :wacky: but i use it every day, its all i have on the road at the min :D,
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Here's one of my defender from Feb 2013 in the arctic circle.

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Adam, the very first shot of your defender is absolutely incredible. So much so I'd even have it as a wallpaper!

Not to sound harsh, but all the rest look more amateurish.
I don't think I've ever seen quite such a hijack before!! :LOL:

Adam, I think the pp of the first image works well. Even if it is a bit 'Max Powaahh!' As Mike so eloquently put it :LOL:
I don't think I've ever seen quite such a hijack before!! :LOL:

Adam, I think the pp of the first image works well. Even if it is a bit 'Max Powaahh!' As Mike so eloquently put it :LOL:

:LOL: Yeah, that's the thing you see... like Hammond put it in the TG-Tribute... Land-Rovers wont be hanging around at shows or award ceramonies, they are far too busy doing really important 'stuff'!

They aren't built to look pretty, or pose for photo's; they are built to get thioer hands dirty and do stuff.....

Though HAS to be said.... the Range Rover is still (I believe) the only car ever exhibited in the Louvre as a work of modern art!