My Discovery 3 Gets a Full Detailing

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Hi All,

As some of you know I am an avid cleaner of my vehicles and sadly own my own detailing kit. For those not in the know detailing is the very serious method of cleaning and polishing vehicles that makes them look better than new.

Well the last time I washed my D3 I realised it had become the owner of a lot swirls. So I called a friend who has a detailing business and lives near me:

Gleaming Kleen

To come and give the car the full works.

Here is a link to our detailing forum and pics of before and after:

D3 Gets Detailed

As you can see an awesome job that was truly needed.

I am off to the Lake District today for a weeks photographic holiday and will proudly drive all the way with a beaming smile on my face!


I hope you drive back too tired to smile and full of inspiration
Hi Stew,

If all goes to plan!

With of course a laptop full of awesome piccies!


Hi Chris

Before you go let me ask you a question

"How do you view a field"

Hi Stew,

A trick question?

Through the lens!

Hi Chris

Not a trick question. Remember your answer this morning, ask the question during the course and then give us your answer again in a week

Some good results there! I'm a big fan of detailing :) I just cant help my OCD :D plus I drive a dub so I have to have a clean car lol
Its a Land Rover.

It shouldn't be anything OTHER than dirty.
best spam ive seen in months.
i think as its poshspam we can go there. Posh carwash innit?
best spam ive seen in months lol, what do you mean?
i think matty is pointing out that the nature of the post appears to be an advert for someones business.

im not sure it is spam, its just a thread to highlight what hes had done to his car and is proud of it, maybe put the original post in the 'what do you drive' thread?
indeed. Im in a good mood today so i will give the OP a chance to post some piccies before i change the link to point at some really old scabby cars that people will think are his...
indeed. Im in a good mood today so i will give the OP a chance to post some piccies before i change the link to point at some really old scabby cars that people will think are his...


Personally? i prefer to see a right dirty land rover, because they are meant to be driven off road, that is what the 4 x 4 is for :)

aah tony...i was just racking my brains thinking about what scabby car to link to...
aah tony...i was just racking my brains thinking about what scabby car to link to...

You've lost me.... or was you hinting about linking it to my car?


This is my car :LOL:
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I know Chris well. He has no financial link to the cleaning company. He would be quite happy to use his Disco off road and has got some photos to prove he has. However he is sort of person who would clean the vehicle thoroughly,immediately afterwards so it was ready for the next outing.
I know Chris well. He has no financial link to the cleaning company. He would be quite happy to use his Disco off road and has got some photos to prove he has. However he is sort of person who would clean the vehicle thoroughly,immediately afterwards so it was ready for the next outing.

Well, I'm glad we've cleared that up.

Now please explain why on earth you would want a spankingly clean disco, just to go and get muddy again ....

The first couple of pics in that link look just like a weeks worth of wet motorway driving to me.

I'm sorry, but I just dont get this "detailing" lark. Its all a crock of **** !
Well, I'm glad we've cleared that up.

Now please explain why on earth you would want a spankingly clean disco, just to go and get muddy again ....
Why not? Why would you want any other car? Why do you do laundry when you know the clothes are going to get dirty again? Some people like cleaning cars, some people like driving clean cars - horses for courses.....

In the long term, keeping a car clean (and I don't mean a quick run through the local car wash or handing it over to some "hand" wash guy) will keep some of it's resale value, and more importantly make it easier to sell - and getting a car to the same level as a regularly cleaned car is extremely difficult and time consuming...

The first couple of pics in that link look just like a weeks worth of wet motorway driving to me.
And they probably are - that's the advantage with a Disco - you can off road it at weekends, and do 1,000 miles a week for work in it.(y)

I'm sorry, but I just dont get this "detailing" lark. Its all a crock of **** !
LOL!! A bit like spending 1,000s on camera stuff when you can buy a P&S for £100 which is "just as good"?
I like to "detail" my car - and get this... it's not even mine, it's a company car!!!:eek: But, I have to drive it for 3 years, and I spend a LOT of time in it so why shouldn't I look after it?
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Hi All,

Well I have not been on this thread for some time. Interesting reading since I was last here.

For what it is worth Artona is right. This was not a spam thread but just a way of showing off a well detailed car. Thought you fellow togs might like to see it. Would suggest it is a bit rude to start a fight over something as trivial. As to suggesting you would change my pics to ones of bad cars, well that really does take the biscuit!

My car is used off road most weeks. I drive across hills into places that most 4 x 4's would not have a chance of getting into let alone out of. I take pride in all of my vehicles and I do have a few. Like some of you have mentioned I like to see my 4 x 4 covered in mud and it often is. I also like to see it clean and shiny. You can see by the before pics how well my car is used with bramble rash and marks all over it.

So let me suggest that before you make judgement check out the individual and other posts and you may find that like most of you I am just an ordinary guy bragging about how clean his car is.

Oh and this is me having fun in it:



And a friend in his and climbing in the window:


Mine when I got it home:



second post much better than the first. First still looks like spam to me, but i gave it the benefit of doubt..
Hi Matty,

I would suggest you are not that good at identifying spam then!

It is not beyond the whit of man to do a little research or there is always the pm method!

Best regards

^^ Have I seen those pics on this forum before ?

Could it be that this is the only time this disco has been dirty ?

Hi Borats baby,

Or could it be the only time that photos where taken!

At least my glass is half full.



I'm only messin wit ya baby !!!

It's just unfortunate you drive a vehicle which nearly falls into a category very close to my heart ! *

* (Soft roaders), I'll let the Disco go as it's very good off road, and not a soft roader. I refer mostly to Rav4's, X5's and the like......
Hi Borats Baby,

Point taken and thank you for pointing it out. I have owned a number of Land Rovers which included the TDi 300 which was a specialist vehicle made for carrying out radio surveys:


And had a pneumatic aerial through the roof:


Then I had the TD5:


And prior to both of those I had a couple of Jeep Grand Cherokee's. The Orvis was my favourite:


And yes before anyone mentions it, all photos where taken after I washed them!

Best regards
