
Helen Shapiro
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Hoping to learn how to use my new camara so i can get lots of shots of our soon to be new edition..
c+c welcome and needed thanks for looking..(y)
must change my signature now :LOL:
Fantastic shot of a brave lady. Look at them hard shadows!!! *slap" :D
Indeed, a great shot of a very brave lady (y)

Congrats on the impending arrival too! They change every single minute, so your purchase is more than justified :)

Keep snapping away mate, and cherish every single moment with that little bundle of joy :)
very 'Demi Moore' - :D

congrats on impending event, and to your model:eek:
I'd love to do some shots like this - think I'll have to persuade some of my patients :LOL:
Congrats on the impending new addition - when is he/she due?
:love: he or she is due on 6th of december and then i will be posting lots more portraits ( of the baby not the wife!!) :LOL: i hope it didnt offend anyone as it is a little risque:naughty: i am sure the mods would have shut it down if they thought it was :bang: :bang:
Hmmm .... and there was me thinking she was carrying a 10D..... :shrug:

Congrats. :)
Thats a great photo and congratulations on the baby.
Congrats on the baby.
If you have the time and the money... not likley (I should know) then a flash with a bounce head and diffuser (or sock) will help diminish the black shaddows
Congratulations to both of you! Look forward to the pictures of the little one. Diffuser for flash essential when it arrives! Hope the arrival is more peaceful than mine - in the middle of a bombing raid in Dec 1940! I don't know whether that is an excuse or a reason!
Congratulations to you both on the impending arrival.
Does she know she's posted all over t'net? I wouldn't be you if she doesn't.
Bad shadows there, but otherwise a nice, sensitive shot, well executed.