my Father In Law

Edit My Images
This is a shot i've played with in Elements. Levels and a bit of tweeking. Any comments?
He's an ex-marine and ex-miner and I love the grittiness about his features.
I'm trying to improve my shots of people so these comment are from a theoretical base rather than being the views of someone skilled in people shots.

It doesn't look posed which I think is a good starting point and the contrast of his face with the blurred background helps it to stand out.

In terms of improvement

If it's grittiness your after then:

- maybe B&W would be better
- lifting 'clarity (it's in PSE elements 11, RAW and don't know if it is more widely available/known as that in other programs)

High 'clarity' seems to be a generally 'good' thing for portraits of men as it gives a harder edge. Conversely I think you reduce clarity for women/children/babies to give a softer image

- a more 3/4 on image could be better (but that may be because I haven't taken many yet and want to!)
I agree with the B&W comment, also i think a tighter crop may work better as i find my eye tends to wonder a bit rather than focusing on the subject.

Nice candid shot though :)
My initial reaction was...

Too much space above his head
Cut off his hand
Border too thick and unnecessary
Blurring around the edges very distracting

I agree with Chris, a B+W conversion would work better I am sure, that and a different crop :)
Hi. I agree with Betty. Taken in bright sun by the look of the bright spots on his hair, finger and arm. Next time get him in the shade or pick an overcast day. Get him to look into the camera. Don't cut off bits. Then you will get a really super portrait. this just looks rather like a snap, and will be hard to make anything out of it.
Thanks for the feedback, it's all welcomed.