My first: a Golden Eagle in Dubai

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OK, it has taken me a bit of courage to post this picture having seen some of the excellent quality images around here - but I thought I'd share an image I have of this gorgeous bird.

I had my nice snappy Nikon Coolpix stolen out of my case at Johannesburg airport and had to buy a cheapie replacement while there as a temporary measure. I travelled up to Dubai after this SA visit and this shot was taken in Dubai with that camera - NOT my new digital SLR.

I appreciate there's loads wrong with it in terms of composition, framing etc, but I like it nonetheless and I am here to learn and would appreciate hearing from you good folk as to what I could have done if I were to have taken the same pic with my SLR to improve it. Be gentle on me eh!! :)

well as you know its a bit flawed with composition etc, but its still a nice shot, is rare to get close to these birds.

You did the right thing and got down to its level :)

The crop is a bit tight, although if you had gone tighter some of the issues may have gone away.

The background is disappointing, if you could have managed to get even grass behind it, it would have improved no end :)

It looks like the camera has focused on the body, normally with animals its good to get the eyes in focus.

Dont take any of this badly though, its still a very good record shot and how often do you get that close to one :)

Hope that helps
Nowt to be ashamed of there. Ian's pointed out the obvious niggles, but it's still a good shot.

All you can really do when the background is that cluttered is get down really low - lie on your back if you have to (try not to look like a rabbit :D ) and shoot up at the bird so you get the sky as a background - looks great if you're fortunate enough to get a great blue sky. You'd have to meter carefully on the bird though to stop him being under-exposed against the bright sky.
Hey Ian - thanks for so much constructive comment there - I haven't taken any of it badly at all. You have provided exactly the sort of critique that I am after - what would/should I have done if I did it again - with an SLR. Thanks for your opinions.

Same to you CT, great suggestions. I have no problem looking like a rabbit if it means I get a better pic - just hope there'd be no foxes around that's all :)

hehe... thanks both - you don't realise how brave I was posting that pic!!