My first attempt at macro shots

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I don't very often post images on here as I am nowhere near the level of some of the fantastic photographers on the board but I've decided tio try and share more photos in an attempt to get better.

This months module for the DSLR course I am doing online is based on Nature and our brief is to capture items using Macro.

I don't have a dedicated Macro lens but we are allowed to use things like reversing rings and macro filters to complete the assignments. Way back in August my husband brought me a set of macro filters which I hadn't properly tried using so last night I headed out to try and get some shots with the filters in my kit bag.

These are three shots I managed to get which I am pretty pleased with.




Any comments welcomed :)
#1 is a lovely shot, well composed with subtle lighting; I really like this one.

#2 does nothing for me I'm afraid, DOF is all wrong.

#3 the BG log/branch is quite distracting, but a nice image all the same.

TFS, Gary
Thanks for your comments Gary - most appreciated :)

I think the first shot is my favourite out of the three I liked seeing the detail on the dandelion head and each individual seed attached to it.

I wasn't sure about the second image - the thing I noticed is that it is definitely difficult to have much adjustment over the DOF using the filters. I wonder if using a smaller magnification would help with that if I tried again.

I wondered about the branch - the subject was really interesting but they grow so darn close to the branches of the shrub that it was difficult to get a decent shot of the buds without getting a branch in the shot. Think I'd definitely like to try some more shots of these shrubs though :)
Got some good results with the filters.

DOF is going to be difficult to control with them, in fact any macro has limited DOF.

I might suggest that to get round this, you look to getting creative with the angles you use to use the lack of dof to your advantage. If you're going to be shooting flora, then getting some flowers (eg a daisy) and shooting across the flower, putting some of the flower in focus and letting it blur out around the edges.
If you're going to be shooting flora, then getting some flowers (eg a daisy) and shooting across the flower, putting some of the flower in focus and letting it blur out around the edges.

A bit similarly to how I have shot the dandelion photo above? Shooting more accross the flower and possibly slightly above it rather than straight down onto it like the other two images?
I love No 1, it really has a sperm-egg quality about it. Or is it just me?

Cheers Paul
They are excellent shots. I love nos. 1 and 3! Well done!
No1 is great
No2 I like it but it maybe you could clone out the pink in the top right hand corner as I find it distracts.
No3 is also a very good shot but I have to agree about the twig.

I good set of images and has someone said previously Dof in macro shots can and is measured in millimetres across a wide range of apertures. Hope this helps.
I quite like no 2. Bit of a "firework explosion" thing going on the colour seems to work ok, I just think it is a complex flower, might need to get in closer?

No 1 as been said works nicely. Not so sure on no 3!

Looking forward thought to seeing more of your work s- that must be a good thing eh?
