My first attempt at portrait

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Thought i'd share the photo's from my first attempt at shooting people/portrait, it's not something that intrests me massively but I thought i'd give it a doosh.

My mate offered to be the subject, he's had no experiance infront of a camera what-so-ever, and wasen't sure on how to stand, how to pose etc, so we just generally had a laugh and managed to get some half decent shots out of it.

C& welcome as always.








And a 'messing' one, just to show it wasen't all serious.


Shot with 400D & the trusty nifty fifty.
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Good set of shots. I agree with Betty they do look like they come from a catalogue. 6 and 7 are my favourites (y)
the last is probably the best as it's the only one that tells you something about the subject
Thanks guys.

the last is probably the best as it's the only one that tells you something about the subject

Point taken dude, didn't actually think of that at all.
Nice. I like number 1 best - relaxed and natural, very catalogue-esque.

Am guessing this was all natural light on the nifty fifty?
Nice. I like number 1 best - relaxed and natural, very catalogue-esque.

Am guessing this was all natural light on the nifty fifty?

Cheers mate, and yeah, all natural light. Where we were stood was in a loading bay next to the shutter (as you can see in the photo's), so the light was shining into the loading bay but not over powering it due to the fact it had a roof etc on it. (y)

ivortripod said:

Nuff said.

Tried converting a few into monochrome but didn't like the shading, but I only tried it on the ones where he's wearing just a T-shirt.

Love that mate, cheers. (y)
Nice! photos aren't bad either :p I like 1 & 3 best. The monochrome conversion is good too.
Cheers guys. :)
relaxed and natural, very catalogue-esque.

my 1st thoughts ..also

nice efforts here mate well done to you..

i would try some more in a more natural surrounding and get your mate to have a laugh.. the fun will show in the shots..

my 1st thoughts ..also

nice efforts here mate well done to you..

i would try some more in a more natural surrounding and get your mate to have a laugh.. the fun will show in the shots..


Cheers dude, shoulden't be too hard, he's like Jim Carey at the best of times. :)
Much appreciated mate. When I first bought my nifty fifty I wasen't totally sure what all the fuss was about. However, it's not been off my camera for 5 weeks, so i retract my previous statement. :LOL:
Cool Shots, Loving the angle of number one :D looking proppa pro
I really like them, the scene is very good too alot of texture.
Cheers guys (y)