My first go at macro


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A friend has lent me his Canon 100mm lens for the weekend, only had a quick go with a dead moth and a bit of drift wood.


Hi Paul,

You may be interested (as I've just been looking into) is focus stacking.

Depth of field can sometimes limit how much of the pic is in focus (great if you want!), but if you layer the same shot from a tripod, focusing on different parts of the frame, something like Photoshop can stitch them together using the different in focus parts of same shot and give you razor sharp throughout the image!

I though I'd mention it to you as Ive only just looked into it having a macro lens for 6 years!


Thanks Gareth, i did try getting it all in focus but failed, i will have another go and get the wife to play with photoshop as i know nothing about it and she uses it for a living so is a bit of a whiz.

Cheers buddy
Hi paul, good start, were these taken hand held or on a tripod? the shutter speeds seem a bit slow to me and i can see some camera shake in pic2, dont be afraid to bump up the ISO to get the faster shutter speeds. 1 other thing, try to get the critters to look at you when you shoot them, not always easy i know but makes all the difference.
good work paul keep it up, macro is damn good fun, challenging at times but worth all the effort.
Oh,1 last thought, have a play with a bit of fill light from the onboard flash, make a diffuser if needs be, it really does add punch to macro shots, i never looked back after i started using flash.
I took it on a tripod but it was late lastnight so every light in the house on lol, was going to try again today but having a nightmare with email setup at the moment.

I will try again today if i can.
1 other thing, try to get the critters to look at you when you shoot them, not always easy i know but makes all the difference.

I think what he was trying to say is - you move your a**e so you're facing the critters. :LOL:
lol well this one was dead so i could of just picked him up.
There's a lot of folk from Worcester on this forum! LOL

Focusing is absolutely critical with macro but for a first time go they're not bad, practice and be prepared to throw a lot of shots away while you learn the ropes. Now get on ebay and have a look for macro lenses! LOL