My first model

Image #1 - I think there's too many shadows for me. Having a reflector or a fill light on her left side just to pick up a little detail would have made it work better. Also, look at the difference in her skin tone between the two images. She's very orange in the first and very pale and a bit overexposed in the second! The pose is nice though, simple and effective :)

Image #2 - I have already mentioned about the skin in my comment above. The composition isn't great on this one for me, the dress is slightly cut off and also why is the dress flicked up at that back

Good job for your first model though! :)
Pretty much agree with Briony - skin tone between the two needs sorting out, but I'm more drawn to the dress being chopped off at the bottom of number 2 than being flicked up at the rear which is obviously because she has raised here heel.