My first moon shot

Very nice attempt at 500mm, try using a tripod at that focal length if you didn't as you suffer from a bit of camera shake, or try a faster shutter speed
Not bad at all. Not as easy as you might think is it!
Not bad at all. Not as easy as you might think is it!

Thx guys

No its not Robert you got that right lol

I tried alsorts of different shutter speeds but obviously not fast enough lol
I did use a tripod but its only a cheap jessops one and also used auto timer function so i wasnt touching the camera at all after i pressed the shutter, thing with the tripod is you only have to look at it and it wobbles lol maybe the wife will buy me a decent one for chrimbo.

Thats pretty good for a first attempt, I would say it's a stop or two overexposed so you could double or quadruple the shutter speed and keep all the settings the same which should help reduce the motion blur and give you a better exposed moon shot.