My First Moon


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Got my lens on Monday and today i decided to go outside my house :wacky:... and i pointed it at the moon.

how can i improve it?
I have compressed it allot.. it is actually reasonable quality. When i go out and do it again what sort of settings should i use?


I used;
ISO 400

Thank You.

Yup i did. I dont have a remote.
How about on board self timer? just that the image looks a little soft to me, just pressing the shutter button will cause enough shake to make it slightly OOF
and was the sky absolutely crystal clear? sometimes it looks like no cloud but is a thin high level layer which obviously will cause focus issues too.
Thanks for that... i have completly forgotten about the self timer!! ill try again on the next clear night.
I'd recommend dropping your ISO as well, the moon is so bright ISO 100 would be ample, 200 max.

Look forward to seeing the next attempt :D
It's hard to tell, but at 300mm you've probably cropped a bit to far, and given that I guess you took it an hour or so ago, the moon was probably rather too low down to get decent views through the atmosphere... If there was thin high mist, that will be an indicator of likely better seeing, but unless you added a wallop of contrast, we'd be able to see that. Personally, I'd stick with ISO100, don't trust the meter, even spot meter can get confused. You've not picked the easiest target to use as your lens tryout though ;)
Okay thanks, Yeah i took it at the start of Question Time lol. Will do.. ill stick the self timer on allong with the lower iso and see what happends and also go out at an earler time, What time would you suggest?

this is what i did to the image;

put up the vibrance to +38
took down the saturation down to -36
changed the exposure to -1.00
changed the offset to -0.0026
changed the gamma to 1.04
changed the levels..
put the brightness up to 15
put the contrast down to -24...
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Much later... wait till the moon is as high in the sky as possible. At the moment, the moon rise is getting later and later as we are in the waning phase of this lunar cycle. You'll see the moon against the early morning skies at the moment (I think it's just passed the zenith just around dawn) so getting a moon shot against the blue sky is much easier, around 0800. Good luck.
okay thanks mate i'll give it ago again :).

I just re-read you're post, i didn't think it was a hard subject, but imo it's deffently one of the most beutiful. I see it almost every day and i still find it incredable.
and was the sky absolutely crystal clear?

I think so.. it's bright to look at, dose look clear but there could be alittle, no doubt with the sort of weather we're having at the moment.