My First Photography Website

I like the look and the feel of the site, simple and easy to find your way around. Only thing i would change is your url. its way to long to remember.. simple is better. Rob
domain name is too long for me aswell, but wow some of the shots are superb, really like vol 1 but vol2 look all too similar, but overall i like it and hope to get mine up and mine with a similar layout - simple and smart
Nice clean, easy to navigate site, with some stunning images. Like it a lot.
Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated as always :) I will have to wait to change the domain name till the end of the year I think. But anyway i might change it to or something like that.
Hi Paul. Just had a whizz around your web site, liking the images, but if i have one niggle it would be the navigation on the portfolio page, I wonder if a drop down menu from "Portfolio" with be better to navigate.
Yes I like it, its nice and simple, easy to use and no music (hate music on photo sites)
^^ thats a good point, to go from Nature Portraits #1 to Nature Portraits Vol 2 you have to go back and click the Portfolio link first, only minor but the faster you cab get around a site the better they work