My first photos...


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I've just introduced myself and posted in the macro photo section.

But thought I would show my first lot of photo's I've taken in here ....

Another quick introduction....I'm new to SLR's.
Just bought my first one. An Oly E-510....

So here are some of my photos...

Tell me what you think and how I can improve.

It was too early to catch the sun in this photo, because the sun wasn't low enough and I didn't want to damage my cam.

I know people have done this many times before, but thought i'd have a go

Not very interesting I know...

Me just playing around with lights
2 is a stunner great atmosphere the shot really works. I think i would of liked number one more if you had go a bit more of the right in your shot. Good shots !

The piano shot is excellent :D nice work, first shot is a good capture of the colours too :D look forward to seeing more ;)
That is a good set of images for your first post DJS ... (y)

:agree: about the piano shot it is very eye catching ... well done ... :clap:

The others are very colourful too and I particularly like the abstract nature of the last pic ... :D

The flower in #3 could do with a bit more isolation to make it stand out ... try a more shallow DoF to give it some zing and also try going in a bit closer where the background is not that interesting to make the subject do the work ... :shrug:

2 is the best of the set by a distance for me. :clap:
I loooove the piano one.
And the plasma ball one as well. I love those things.

Great start!

Wow, that really is a grand shot of a piano, very nicely executed indeed. Great also to see another E-510 user:):olympus: