My first Photoshop experiment

Edit My Images

The first image is as it was taken and the second one was after a little sharpening and enhancement...... so what did I do right and/or wrong........ That is other than cut off the tail! - Sorry about that but I guess I could add it on with PS if I knew how!!!

Guess I probably made a pigs ear of it but the only way to learn is to ask you guys for comments.....


shakari said:
Oooops looks worse than the original now I've got it on the forum!!!!
Hehe, nothing worse is there :)

I'm not sure what you've done but I think this is actually a case of less is more. I had a quick play with it and really all it arguably needs is a tweaking of the levels (pull in the left hand slider) and possible the saturation. But just small doses, the good thing here is you've found out how too much tinkering can be detrimental. Well done for trying though :thumb:
For the scanned shots I just posted, I wasn't going to spend ages playing with them, so I took the following 3 steps :-

- Adjust Levels (try Auto Levels if need be at first)
- Adjust colour (again hit Auto Colour - if it looks wrong then take a setp back & leave)
- Lastly use "Unsharp mask" or "Smart Sharpen" (I used latter this time round - take it in small steps until happy)

As already stated, less is more....usually.

By the way your subject shots are going to make a lot of jealous you know.....what's the chance of us catching a Lion running !!!
Oi! stop posting these bloody excellent shots. :D
DJW said:
By the way your subject shots are going to make a lot of jealous you know.....what's the chance of us catching a Lion running !!!

It's actually very easy if you go to the right place....... I know of at least two safari lodges where I could guarantee showing you a running Lion within a few hours..... one of them I could guarantee a full out charge from at least one Lion and possibly two within the same amount of time. :shock:

Great shots - and something different, dont see many lions in Newcastle (UK);)

Dont like the look in his eyes though - and I dont mean that as critical of the shot:shock:
See Shakari ... only been here five minutes and already learning new stuff !?!

Btb - prefer the 'undoctored' Lion though ... but at least you are experimenting ! Only way to learn ...
How do you get a Lion to run like that ? I'm guessing by offering food from landrover racing ahead in in front ?
That particular Lion is one of another pair of brothers that had been hand reared in Namibia. When they got too big to keep in and around the house the owner built a large double fenced compound to keep them in....... over the years they have become very aggressive. Especially around feeding time. There's a raised observation/photography platform next to the compound. (between the two fences).

I got up on the platform and waited for the two Lions to be fed and as soon as they started feeding I moved around a little on the platform so that they noticed me and within a few seconds the more aggressive of the Lions abandoned his grub and gave me a flat out every time!!!

They're fed about every other day and as long as you're around at that time it's possible to provoke a charge anytime they're feeding. I've found the key to good animal photo opportunities is to study animal behaviour and body language and it's usually possible to predict what they're gonna do and to some extent I can use my behaviour to alter their behaviour if I need to....... but of course, you have to know what you're doing and how much you can push your luck.

Here's an example. I've known and studied these bulls for some years and know that they're very relaxed around people if they know where those people are. I spotted them feeding in this area one day and slowly walked up to them and just kept chatting in a low voice to them/myself. As they knew where I was and posed no threat to them they were happy to let me get within about 10-15 yards. As I moved closer, they kept what they considered a comfortable distance between us and I was able to move to one side to make them move into an area I had a nicer background. Then I knelt down and started taking pics......and they were completely relaxed with that. Had their body language showed any alarm at any time I would have withdrawn back to the safety of my vehicle. As it was, I reckon I got some pretty nifty shots......... that said, they're my usual lousy standard and I haven't photoshopped them yet........ The bull in the foreground is blind in his left eye so I had to keep on the right side of him so that he could see me at all times.

well I'm impressed....and I'm not into animal photograhy, having said that, if I was into animal hphotography then these are the types of animal shots I would like to have taken....does that make sense? keep up you lot! ;)
Noticed our driver revved the engine a few times when near to Bull elephants to get a response. Noticed the Elephants are a lot larger than in UK captivity & one charging you is pretty impressive (& scary) . First one then turned around & side swiped a large tree which immediately was flattened !! Very powerful animals
Very powerful indeed..... I know of 3 people (2 of whom were friends) killed by Elephants in the last 5 years or so.

Revving of engines etc is really a sign of lack of knowledge of game animals. The best thing to do is just keep the engine ticking over so they know you're there but don't panic them...... that statement only really refers to animals in parks..... the ones in true wilderness areas tend to write their own rules a lot more.

Can someone tell me what the rule is about posting a pic taken by someone else? I have a fabulous picture of a charging Elephant that was taken by someone who died a few years ago. I was told the image is now "public property" - but I'm not certain and don't know the rules here on this.......
I think as long as you put the photographers name next to it, it shouldn't cause any dramas
Therein lies another problem. I didn't know the guy and found the pic on a local magazine here. I contacted the editor and asked if I could use the image for something and was told to go ahead as the photographer had died the year before and it was now available to anyone to use............ In the end I didn't use it...... but I kept the image.... what do you think?
Just say it's not yours - as long as you're not deliberately trying to pass off images as your own, I don't see there's a problem with sharing other's work.
I copy shots from other photographers all the time, it's called 'inspiration' - unless there's anyone here who doesn't think it's a good idea, I see no problem in sharing photos that we like as long as we say that they're not ours. Just put full credits if available.