My first picture post - Estoril Motogp 2006

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These were taken at the Estoril round of the 2006 MotoGP season. I took quite a few pictures, but I think these are the best.
All taken with D50 and Sigma 70-300 APO (which I picked up about 2 weeks earlier), through a fence :(
Anyway, enjoy...



Very nice shots. Particularly like the one of Dani, plus the 2nd Vale one (we're on 1st name terms you know ;) :D ).

Looks like you could get pretty close to the action - would you recommend Estoril ?
I think you're shutter speeds were a bit fast, as there's no motion blur on the wheels.

Absolutely. I was still learning how photography works, never mind this particular camera, or how to pan, so I selected the widest aperture (in aperture priority) so I would get the fastest shutter speed, in the hope of returning home with some sharp shots. Which worked, so I am happy. I intend to have a go at panning at Oulton Park at the weekend.

3 is my favourite too - I've had it printed to 30"x20", looks ace (y) No idea what to do with it though lol :|

I really enjoyed Estoril. These shots were from the inside of the exit of turn 3 (hairpin). If you buy the cheap ticket, thats where you stand - nowhere else. I can only compare the track to Donnington, but at D, you buy the cheap ticket and can walk round the entire track, so in that respect its not as good. However, as you say, it is a LOT closer than anywhere I can think of at D :) It was also the best race of the season!
Disagree with shutter speeds as if you look at both background and wheels spokes there is evidence of motion, if anything would have said that some of your focus points are off or misguided as there are some sharp parts of the bikes and then the helmet is soft, have found that this can be corrected if you use one of the side focal points (either right or left depending on bike direction) if your camera supports that and practise of panning. Nice effort though and good to see you can get that close on this track :)
Oh by the way if your into your bike racing and it looks like you are then a good place to get shots is Cadwell Park for the BSB on Bank Holiday Monday (Aug 29 ish)
The shutter speed on #3 is perfect - look at the difference in the wheels and background and you can see where JoeT is coming from. Great colours, #3 is a winner for sure!
Try a shutter speed of 1/250 or 1/320 instead of 1/800 !!!!

I've dropped to that speed from 1/500.

Thanks for the comments and advice guys. Looking forward to practising some panning on Saturday at Oulton Park :)
All has been said already, but I would also add that you have done a good job on exposure too, considering your shooting the dark side of the bike.

You said your new to this, great start. I look forward to seeing more of your work.