My first/second go at Zebra Spiders

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First go at it a couple of weeks ago...

Had to do it in the garden, girlfriend was afraid of spiders, even if they're tiny and adorable.

Second go at it a couple of days ago...

Caught this in my toilet, managed to quickly setup a little 'green' for my spider to roam whilst I shoot.

More can be found in my macro section.
All shot with my previous kit, Olympus E620, OM 50mm with +6 Extension Tubes, O-Flash adaptor on top of my Metz 48-AF1 at full power.

Crit and comments much appreciated.
Nice set Colin, these little fellas can be a joy to photograph if they play ball but more often they just want to get on with running and jumping. ;)
Yes something like those. More like number 2, that green in the first is mad!
Agreed. I used a lighter shade of green folder as my background :p

Nice set Colin, these little fellas can be a joy to photograph if they play ball but more often they just want to get on with running and jumping. ;)

They are great, so full of personality. Very un-intimidating too!