my first spider

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First attempt at macro for a moving subject. I saw this spider inside the house and thought it would be easier than looking for insects in the garden.

This guy seemed to have an injured leg and as a result was not the fastest, which was a great help for me

Lighting was an orbis ring flash with my flash gun

Spider by philipJvernon, on Flickr
Very good detail. I really like it.

What lens did you use? I've only tried this once and it came out well, but not on the same level as your photo.
Very nice shot, well done.
I used the Tamron 90mm SP f2.8 Di, only had it about a week and love it already.

If I remember correctly, I think this shot also used extension tubes, can't remember which one or how many though.

Cool. Same macro lens that I have:D It's a great lens. The reason I asked is that I can't get that kind of close detail with my lens but you just mentioned extension tubes so that explains that.