Captive My first thread is, Animals

Simon Lewis
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Hi this is my first picture thread, the first is my Crested Gecko.

Creasted Gecko by siandlynz, on Flickr

The following where taken at the weekend while at West Midlands Safari Park

White Tiger by siandlynz, on Flickr

Elephant by siandlynz, on Flickr

Cheetah by siandlynz, on Flickr

Rhino by siandlynz, on Flickr

White Tiger[/url] by siandlynz, on Flickr[/IMG]
Welcome Simon,
The Gecko is my favourite, as they say, "its all in the eye". Particularly like the detail and lighting in the eye.

Tiger - Not particularly keen on the vignette on the tiger, not sure if you've added it on PP, if not you can remove it in PP.

Elephant - Could do with the shadows lifting slightly

Cheetah's - Nice expressions, well composed.

Rhino - Works for me

For your first post, a very nice set. 1 over riding comment on most of them, is that when viewed on Flickr, with the exception of the Gecko and Rhino, all the images are soft, this could be down to camera shake. I always try to make sure I keep the shutter speed at greater than 1/focal length. This can offer between people but I find as a general rule it works. (Don't forget to factor in any crop factors too i.e.. 100mm on a 1.6x crop APSC camera would need a shutter speed of at least 1/160.

Welcome aboard and keep them coming :D
Thanks for the reply Chris, with regards to the west midland pics most where shot from a moving car or a moving car through wire fence which I dont think is helping the "sharpness" and my first go at wildlife. The Gecko was shot at home using a tripod, but thanks for the feed back :) shall take it all on board :D