Wild My journey with the Hares 2024

Great idea, great photos. :)
Great series Gav.
Keep 'em coming (y)
Great shots,Gav. Gives those of us who don't see them a chance to look into their world.
Gav, I did this here some yonks back.....I worried about littering up a quiet place which basically wild'n' free is................... so thought maybe I should stick 'em in one place..over time my post rate got lesser the image making probably didn't, but the posts did.. So I I went back to the odd frame here and there with a tale

As time passes I kinda have a yearning to open that thread bang some of what I might do into it .frankly buddy a thread like this might be a learning curve for you or me.( honestly I think you will assimilate even more than you already have doing this( frankly where you have already done/learnt is amazing in so short a space of time) this might be another tool to learn from?

It's not really about clicks or likes Gav .long running threads gravitate to that .somewhere in my past I started a thread, I knew nuffin of web land just wrote stuff when it got to 250K clicks in a tiny niche field I found it overwhelming I couldn't cope with the pm's backed away.

That said I'd adore you continuing this......I adore your work bud .............the graft behind it I know ............we inhabit a love of similar subjects and I think you'll learn ....your going to put your better images here and over time that might help you as an image maker. Tis a record of your better images over time easier to flick through than what you actually make

So a few forts for ya kiddo on boshing images in one place crit maybe ponder da blues? LMAO me and WB and blues and greens and hare and deer huh :runaway:

Fab images though...

jees mate hope ya get back on track , I SO know what the dogs can mean and how far one can be set back, by those few words.................ahh mate HARD read that bit
Hard to get that across to someone that doesn't spend time with hare

Boxing full tilt here can I get in the right place can I XXXXXXX everything right under me nose but out of reach:headbang::headbang::headbang:

all the luck buddy

@Stuart Philpott
Thank you for the kind words Stu. I'm hoping I can learn something from this, should be a bit of fun too.
I'm hoping to get back out there again soon.
Good luck with the boxing mate, they don't play fair do they... I mean, starting under your nose, then chasing a mile across the land to finish the fight isn't fair on a togger crawling in the muck :D
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"Good luck with the boxing". hmm you too ................... lol had it on a plate on sunday and messed up ahh Gav the shame, Shaz waited with me for hours I had light I got the spot right no excuses there after..... sometimes tis hard just owning not being good enough :headbang:


that wasn't me reason to post.....why no more frames buddy is it simply couldn't get out or maybe what I feared above dogs?
"Good luck with the boxing". hmm you too ................... lol had it on a plate on sunday and messed up ahh Gav the shame, Shaz waited with me for hours I had light I got the spot right no excuses there after..... sometimes tis hard just owning not being good enough :headbang:
Bugger, I know that's though when it goes wrong, owning it is a good thing, at least you could learn from it?? It keeps us keen to try again too ;)


that wasn't me reason to post.....why no more frames buddy is it simply couldn't get out or maybe what I feared above dogs?
Honestly.. I've not been back to my area through fear of bumping into the guys again, I'm a wimp..
Me learn I dunno, basically I took camera from eye and watched at just the right/ WRONG mo Gav, I will never know why. One of those things mate damn it bit me hey ho should get back at it soon, which brings me to you my friend

I slept on me reply. wanted to get this out as best I can..................Gav you are not a wimp.............this modern coursing malarky is not what it was, a guy taking a sustainable surplus to feed family................... now its money dark web and frankly the folks doing it are outside the law. Buddy I know of a keeper put in hos by 'em...........So no wimp period.

Mate this is really sad for me, I'm kinda gutted right now........... I remember you coming here saw a kindrid spirit wanted to push ya, have ya back ha you have learnt so much so fast so many fields your a better tog than I'll ever be already. . So your hare thread , this thread , was kinda special to me, to see illegal activities stop that is harsh. It's messing with me mate. I'm sort of surprised no one else has commented along those lines

My heart wants you to go back , my head is fighting with it all......................not sure what thoughts to bung at you.

Buddy locally and possibly for you it's been wet and mild.so the crops are moving real fast really growing , IE fast for time of year.which will mean coursing will get ever harder Hare will gain ever more cover and hopefully sooner rather than later you can go back...maybe pragmatically that's me only thought to offer without endangering you.

Maybe in the meantime ya speak to keeper and the local old bill wildlife officer ( whom will probably be stretched beyond breaking point) but maybe wait a while

.soz for littering up your thread with long replies

take care bro
Very nice work Gav
I'm not a wildlife photographer Gavin, but these are great shots!