My kids!

Edit My Images
First time really making the effort.. so would like some feedback please..

Any way to improve!

Number 2 is really good - they all look a bit cold and harsh though.

Did you use the on camera flash? Have you edited them as all?

Composition is good on 2 and 3 - number one does look like a snap shot
Thanks for the critique!

You are right 1 is a snapshot so it was fluke.. But i liked the look of it!

I actually used my canon flash with my 7d! I have done some editing using lightroom!

Any tips to improve similar shots?
Sorry but these are poorly composed/cropped. All 3 appear to be out of focus and attention is needed in the "lighting" department.
Finally the background in all of them could be much better.
They look like you have rushed the pictures.
Sorry if I sound harsh but they could be a lot better with some thought.

Keebsuk said:
Sorry but these are poorly composed/cropped. All 3 appear to be out of focus and attention is needed in the "lighting" department.
Finally the background in all of them could be much better.
They look like you have rushed the pictures.
Sorry if I sound harsh but they could be a lot better with some thought.


Thats fine mate.. No offence taken.. I am an amateur so these are no way professionally composed..

Any tips on lighting and making use of my flash and lenses to take pics of my kids
faddy said:
Thats fine mate.. No offence taken.. I am an amateur so these are no way professionally composed..

Any tips on lighting and making use of my flash and lenses to take pics of my kids

I would certainly consider back lighting in 2 and 3. Also the flash is harsh so try a bit of White paper to mask it slightly. If you are using a hotshoe mounted flash, try angling it up to "bounce" it off the ceiling.

Try and use 1 focal point, generally the eyes.

Try and find a neutral background.

Don't crop so hard as you have removed some bits of their heads!

Cheers andy,

Will definately try what you suggest?

Is it worth getting a flash filter thingy!
Thanks for the critique!

You are right 1 is a snapshot so it was fluke.. But i liked the look of it!

I actually used my canon flash with my 7d! I have done some editing using lightroom!

Any tips to improve similar shots?

I'd definitely try making more use of natural light, getting warmer shots (edit them in lightroom and get a warmer white balance, make it look a bit more family friendly)

The feeling i get form these is screenshots from a horror movie because you have a dark background and harsh shadows on the faces.

Just keep practicing - everyone has their own style and taste.

On the plus side - You have cute kids and that always makes taking photo's of them easier!
Thanks for the advice.. Still getting my head round things.. Need to try and find the time from the kids to achieve some cracking results
Great expression and capture but don't cut hands off crop it to just include the face
abdabs said:
Great expression and capture but don't cut hands off crop it to just include the face

Looking at it again u won't be able to crop without cutting ears u could clone the fingers