My Little Lady is Growing Up

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She won't sit still long enough to pose yet, so I managed this just clicking away as she was walking round the house.

I think it is the most natural picture I have of my little lady so far.

I could do with some advice on getting her to sit and pose for me though.

Yeah, little people don't usually like to sit still much, do they?

Something I do sometimes with kids is run around outside with them (playing tag or something like that), until I'm at a good distance from them and say "Freeze!"

Usually they giggle and try to freeze, and if I take a picture of them from waist up or a headshot it will look ok. Just an idea! :)

Make sure you do this on a nice day, preferably in the shade or on a cloudy day.
Try bouncing the flash off the ceiling (or preferably get it off the camera). The shadows created by on camera flash waste many a good shot.
Well, l have found that, space permitting, a bubble machine works wonders.
ln the studio l set up lighting, and get the machine going, and they are away, and l usually snap over 600 in an hour. l've had some fab shots that way. Posing them at this age just makes them stare grumpily at you l find.

Her eyes are wonder you want to snap her.
Hiya and thank you all for your replys.

Once the weather improves a little I will hopefully be getting plenty of outside shots. She's a little young to understand freeze just yet (16 Months) but maybe by the summer we'll be a little closer.

I had the flash on the camera for something else and had just picked it up quick to get a few shots off. I dunno quite why but I like how the shadows look on this picture.

As for bubbles. She loves them. Don't know how I will get a shot in quick enough as she runs around bursting them :thinking: but I will give it a go.

She is also at the age were she knows when I take a picture she can come see hereself on the cam screen. Not yet reached the age though were she understands she has to give me the chance to take the picture 1st :)
Nice shot (y)
Patients works better than posing.
Natural light might be better, if you sit on the floor with your back to the window and something in front of you to catch her imagination.
Keep snapping away so that she doesn't notice the camera - of course she will come up and stick her fingers on you lens. :)
Anyway - enjoy she won't be that size for long.