My little'un

Edit My Images
(hope you don't mind so many images. They show a story and there's actually over 200 odd overall heh)

Anyway, some shots of my Son. A Little bit of background. He was born 9.5 weeks premature weighing in at 3lbs 2oz (dropped to 2lbs 11) and was in a pretty rough state. Stayed in Intensive care and up to the less intensive wards on Neonatal for 7 weeks before we could bring him home. Anyway, here are a few shots.

#1 Yes, it's a pink hat. He's a modern chap hehe.. well, it was actually the only one they had available and after 2 mins on the resuscitation trolley, you use what you can.

#2 He is actually white, however due to UV lights, the B/W conversion wasn't easy.

#3 He was so ill in these shots.


#5 Clinging onto hope

#6 Getting better



And some more recent shots. Only the care and attention the hospital, Louise and I, and our families gave him could we get him to this point.


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Thanks Roody. He definitely is cute and quite the mischievous little boy :). He's 8 months old now (although correctively, just under 6 months if you take into fact him being early) but he's now sitting up unsupported which is great because it means I can open up the photographic opportunities a bit more :)
Wonderful and congratulations. Shot #7 is a definate framer !
Thanks Cowasaki :)
A wonderful set of images and a beautiful son. These are what photobooks are made for :)
Great pics. After seeing no.3 it was good to see the improvement from no.6 onwards
A great story told with a wonderful set of images. It's good to know that he is well. I found that when we had children my whole perspective on life changed. I am sure these dramatic events have had a profound effect on you and your wife. Good luck to all three of you for the future.
What a wonderful and emotive series of images and I'm not ashamed to say they brought a lump to my throat as our eldest son was about the same weight and we went through the same (he's now thirteen :)). I am sure you will treasure these shots and look back on them with fond memories.
Thats a good set of shots that tell the story very well, something about No5 for me that stands out, glad to see he's doing fine now.
What an imotive set. He (and mum and dad) have obviously had one hell of an uphill start. Glad to see such a dramatic recovery portrayed in pictures. For me #3, 7 & 13 are priceless (y)
Thanks for all the comments. It has indeed been a roller coaster for us with the ups and downs but now we're really getting settled into a fun packed life :). He (William James, that is) loves to play and isn't shy of the camera. heh. I would have loved to have got some shots of him over Christmas but he had come down with Bronchiolitis and was sleeping most of the time or crying but he's over that now :).

It is actually very hard for us to look back over the early shots because it brings back a lot of memories of the uncertainty and not knowing whether he was going to pull through or not. However having the progression through to the the recent shots and shots to come is always nice to look through. :)
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I am not a baby person at all, but number 13 bought a huge smile to my face :)

What a brave little guy :):)
Wow a wonderful set, its amazing to see how he fought through over the course of this set. Glad to see he recovered well :)
Beautiful shots - Number 3 is incredible - shows such detail.. love the tiny hand grip too...

And such a lovely story behind them - Love the more recent ones, must be great for you to see those now and know how precious he is :)
Bless him, he looks so poorly in number 3 but to be able to see his recovery on each photo is amazing. Just shows there is always hope and its so lovely to hear a story with a happy ending. Thanks for sharing them:)

PS he is VERY cute!
Ok, number 5 nearly had me in tears!! You wait till they are 12 years old and taller that you!! :)
This is a wonderful series, bless him, like others some of the shots had me in tears, he looked soo fragile.

He looks so well and happy now:D he is lovely xx
Good reportage, especially since its a subject so close to you.
A great set, with a happy ending
Impressing and moving pictures with a real good quality as well. Very impressive.
Number 13 and 14 are a happy end somehow.
Technical comments aside, I'm just pleased for you that your son is now a healthy bundle of joy!

They'll be some great pics to show him when he's older - should make him realise how lucky he is to be alive!

Thank you again :)

hehe Yeah Craig, there's no real technical composition to them. Quite the restrictions in a hospital and even at home when he's so small ;). However some were taken with the nifty 50 at F1.8 or a little above to give nice shallow DoF but more predominantly, the story is the main feature.

As he's growing and starting to sit unaided, it's going to give me so much opportunity to take some more technically composed images and I'm really looking forward to doing that.

Everyone's comments are very much appreciated. Thank you.
What a transformation between numbers 3 and 13, Ian! :) He looks as if he's going to grow up into quite a mischievous little fella too ;)
Number 8 and 13 for me, although each shot holds alot of meaning for you I'm sure. He is absolutely adorable. I'm sure he will make you very proud, if not already!
Wow. Just.. Wow!

Heartbreaking and inspirational in one thread.. You must be over the moon.
We're definitely over the moon and very proud :)

He's interested in everything from a simple scrap of paper to the multitude of toys he has. Although he always turns back to his very first soft toy which was with him from the 2nd day (shown in this shot here. He was 6lbs and almost 10 weeks old)
