My lovely wife

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This is a photo I took of my wife which I am rather proud of which I took with my new Sigma 28-70mm f2.8-4 lens. Unlike some of the examples I have heard of, it doesn't seem to suffer from any softness on one side. This was done just using a Sigma 500 ST Super flash attatched to the camera.

If looks very soft on the side of her face, it looks blurry and the is a loss of detail.
I think it would be nicer if her hair wasn't over her face, she is very pretty and i'd love to see her whole face.
Those are fair comments. I must admit any blurryness is my fault and down to some editing techniques I was trying out in photoshop.
Nice shot... beautiful subject... as stated more of your goodladys face would be nice and there is a little too much shadow cast from her hair.
Thanks for sharing
No! Too much hair covering her beautiful face!!!! Try again :)
Her face is a little soft IMHO
but other than that I like it (y)
i quite like the composition with her kind of "peeking" out from behind her hair :)
Not a fan of this image at all, sorry.

Composition wise, the hair over the face to me looks wrong though I do like the lighting. Would much prefer to see the whole of her face. Technically, it looks like you sharpened the heck out of the eye, and softened/noise reduced any detail from the rest of the image. The eye looks terribly unnatural.

If you are thinking about portraits, I would start off simple, perfect lighting, technique and post processing, and then start letting the creative skills loose!

Nice wife though! :D