My new Gallery!



Thanks to EosD i now have my own gallery space. Please take some time to have a little look, and any comments are greatly received (considering the mixed reviews i got last time i posted some images i am expecting some interesting reading).

Excuse the quality i had Cumulus downsize all the images for the web automatically as it would have taken me ages.

Link is:- HERE
The gallery does also reduce the sizes automatically for you, just so that you know next time to save you some trouble ;)
Hey - you've got one strong style which is all your own! I see where you're at with it I think. Some I like, some I don't, but I can see this is definitely a deliberate style which wasn't really apparent from the few examples you initially posted. :LOL:

I'm still intrigued by this picture...


Tell me you don't have to explain it and I'll say "Fair enough" - but I could well imagine this being a still from a really scary Tobe Hooper film (Texas Chainsaw Massacre etc) . Where was it taken? :?
there is a lot of different pictures there, I like it. You have as CT told, a "style" an Own style, that reflects in your photos, thats great. I think this style reflects in the compositions you make! And the things you photograph. Just as the one CT link above...

its like a sign of an amusment park or something like that...
Ppuga is almost right with that one. This image was taken on the end of Palace Pier in Brighton (in the fareground section). Everytime i look at it i am reminded of the song 'Go West' by the 'Pet Shop Boys' and it has a camp factor which helps towards this thought. I can see what CT says though it could look scary. This may stem from the wild eyes of the horses looking crazily into the dark section created from the flash cut-off.

Also i saw it as a little tribute to the poor old West Pier as it vanishes into the darkness of the sea.