My new little girl - Just over an hour old!

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Became a Dad for the 2nd time, to Evie late on Tuesday night!! Much to my wife's annoyance (until she sees these) I insisted on keeping my D300, Tamron lens and SB900 with me so I could get some half decent pics asap. So here is Evie's debut on this forum!! She is probably an hour to an hour and a half old in these and taken in the recovery room - only had a very quick play in LR as I need to get to bed!!

First pic of her - really low 1/40 shutter in natural light.





Congratulations. :) I've been up all night unable to sleep due to personal stuff, but seeing these reminds me how trivial things can be compared to a moment like this. Thank you for sharing.
congratulations! love no 1, and her little scrunched up face in no 2 is just so cute :)
I cant sleep too now!!! Cheers Sarah and Maria. Have to admit to not being very objective at the moment... all the pics are wonderful to me, even the ones which just aren't right!!! Do agree though, I think the first 2 are my faves too!
Congrats! You and ShawWellPete will be providing us with lots of lovely baby girl photos (y)
Congrats, some great photos. Particular like no. 5.
congrats and yay to having another subject to practice taking photos on!
Congratulations and great photos.
congrads and beautiful photos. I wish I had some of my 2 in the first few hours like this. With all these new borns my other 1/2 will be banning me from this forum :love:
congratulation to the family, all lovey pictures you will tresure for ever.
Congratulations Simon.

I love number 1 the best. I personally love warm candid shots and is something that I try to capture in all of my family portraits. Look forward to seeing more as she grows.

Best wishes
congratulations. Hope Mum and Evie are doing just fine.........

all nice - love the expression in No 6 though....... "get that camera out of my face!"
Awesome, congrats and great photos. I wish I'd taken my DSLR in with me for both of mine, but a compact it was!
Congratulations on your beautiful baby daughter. I hope both Evie and Mum are well. :)

How can I choose a favourite from so many lovely expressions - all soooo cute. :) It's great to get her with her eyes open so quickly! Photos to treasure - with lots more to come, I'm sure. :)

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! Congratulations and welcome to the world little Evie!
(The 1st one is my fav)
Thanks everyone... Cant wait to get some more when she comes home (hopefully tomorrow), so watch this space!
Many congratulations Simon.

Great pictures (esp. number 1) that I am sure will be treasured.
Congratulations she's gorgeous :) get some more posted, some really nice images too :)
What a fab name. Congratulations to you both. I sympathize on the no sleep!
congratulations - beautiful baby, and wonderful subject matter to keep you inspired forever - brilliant
gorgeous - congrats!! Love the name - my youngest was going to be an Evie had he been a girl! All very special photos - love the first
Well done and congratulations :clap: