My New Studio!

Kodiak Qc

Suspended / Banned
French Canadian living in Europe since 1989!
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Almost finished to set it up…


The door on the right is the new PP room


The door on the left is the access to the studio




Impressive! :)

In an old farm house I was expecting "practical" but Impressive? :cool:
Very neat, looks like a great place to work in ;)
Very neat, looks like a great place to work in ;)

Yes, Jak, it is.

The first time I saw the room I thought it could be too small
for the purpose, as suggests the illusion created by the all
the wood surfaces but, the tape measure in the hand, it's ok.
Very impressive. (y)
Are you sure you don't need just a bit more room. :LOL:
you definitely take your photography seriously. (y)
Very impressive…are you sure you don't need just a bit more room.
For table top work, it is too big already. Ideal for portraits and just at the
limit for full figure work. I would have prefer a one metre higher ceiling.
you definitely take your photography seriously.
Not really, Andy! Photography is too much fun — through the creative
processes and the explorations. It is rather ME that I take seriously as
my livelihood depends on it since forty plus years. It is the business as-
pect of it that one should keep an eye on.

Thanks for dropping by, Andy! :)
Superb set up!

I got two emails asking for more specific detailed information.
I will try to answer both in one post…

The camera/lens combo used to show the studio was the D3S
with the 14~24 mm ƒ2.8. The combo on the tripod + dolly used
to shoot the actual test was the D3X with the AF 105 macro.

The list of tools in the test…
  • Older MBP 17" — that I will keep for personal usage and will be
    replaced by a 21" i5 iMac soon.
    • Capture One to control the session
    • Capture Pilot to remote the session controls and reviews
      to the iPad Air 2
    • the iPad Air 2 fed by the MBP turned into a server for
      Capture Pilot through Capture One
    • Profoto Studio 3 to remotely control all Profoto (beside Air
      Remote on camera) and triggered within Capture One
  • The D3X / 105 describe before tethered to the MBP
  • All Profoto units: D2 x3, B2 x2, and B1 x2.

The only hardwired connection is the tether cable. All others are WiFi —
even the connection to the main i7 5K PP station.

Why don't you post your questions on the thread?

Well, I was pretty sure everything would be ok as it was three
months ago… but three months is a long time in this soft/firm-
ware development times.

I had to test the whole kit after updating/upgrading some com-
ponents in the different systems making sure it was all happily
working together.
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Interesting use of the tool chest - that works well. When I had my studio space at my last company I did something similar with a cupboard
Interesting use of the tool chest

It is very practical in many ways…
  1. it holds tons of small parts and utilities that should be kept at hand
  2. all the metal stuff in there increases its weight significantly and so
    making it a very stable platform for the MBP. Mind you, I am working
    on a solution to fix the next iMac so it won't be tipped down!

Thanks for dropping by! :cool:
It is very practical in many ways…
  1. it holds tons of small parts and utilities that should be kept at hand
  2. all the metal stuff in there increases its weight significantly and so
    making it a very stable platform for the MBP. Mind you, I am working
    on a solution to fix the next iMac so it won't be tipped down!

Thanks for dropping by! :cool:

Exactly - thought it a clever use, especially as it's easily mobile. I have almost the exact same one in red, but it's in the garage full of tools ;)
I have almost the exact same one in red

I wanted to find something like that for many years but
didn't want to have a red fire truck in the studio. I found
this perfect black one in a closing tool shop sale some
six years ago… black is beautiful! :)
How high is the ceiling?

It is about 2,7 meters; a few cm lower than the one
I had but it is 1.2 m longer and 80 cm wider. I would
have preferred something around the four meter high
mark but it's hard to find.

Thanks for dropping by, Phil! :cool:
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Thanks Kodiak, I’ve been looking into a purpose built garden studio (various companies supply them) but the Permitted Development guidelines cap it at 2.5m external height. You can go higher but then lose out through minimum distance from boundary. I may look into Planning Permission so that I can get 4m even on a pitch basis.
looks bigger than my whole flat!

It is 6m wide by 8.9 m long. Add to that the PP room
that is 2.7 m by 4.2 and the model/client own changing
room with all bathroom commodities that is about the
same size than the PP room.

These areas are in the same house than my own private
quarters which count for two thirds of the building area.
How on earth do you get the time to post on here, I ask myself.

I just don't! :confused:

I have two secret and precious assets… :)
  1. I wouldn't achieve more than 30% if she were not there to help
    me in every aspect of the work. EVERY aspect. She is a brilliant
    & young lady that was involved in a horrible accident and was ba-
    dely hurt. No "normal" employer would hire her after the 4 years
    she tried to get a job with these permanent and visible scars.

    When she came to apply for any job at the studio, she had to wait
    until the end of the shoot, sitting quietly in a dark corner. After, I as-
    ked her to join me for a coffee. She was not shy, not bitter, has a
    great sense of humour and she keeps asking questions without
    being pushy. "So, what do you think you could do for me?" I asked.

    "I am a trained secretary and book keeper with 7 years experience
    in a sausage factory." — Sausages? :ROFLMAO: — she didn't mind my laugh-
    ing. I asked to join me in the studio and said: "Please, hand me the
    camera behind the sandbag." She moved the sandbag and when
    she eyeballed the camera she said: "Is there a right way to take that
    monster thing?" … That was enough for me to take her but I did not
    see the zillion questions coming! :D

  2. My students are doing most of the follow up on the forum for me. They
    read me the new threads that they all HAVE to comment and critique,
    they also type (I hate that!) most of my replies that I will always read
    and correct if necessary before posting — for the detractors, yes, I am
    responsible for all my posts! They read the replies and discussions out
    loud and sometimes that triggers hot discussions among them.
Many of them like to hang around before or after their session, meeting other
students, exchanging and sharing… anything. I just like to have them around.

I dictated this but did not type it! :confused: … but, as always, I pressed the button. :)
Firstly, in regard to item #1 ~ good for you finding a new member of staff based on experience and personality and ignoring her superficial appearance thus giving her a new found confidence in herself and her future (y) :jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa: & more

As for item#2 ~ well I do recall awhile ago you saying you would no longer have time to be on TP....there was a pause and there you were back again........with it turns turns out your volunteer crew backing you up.
I do recall awhile ago you saying you would no longer have time to be on TP

You're right Laurence, it was the consequence of two situations that
happened simultaneously.
  1. My divorce.
  2. The mother of my secretary need her presence during
    her sickness AND the end of the sessions for the group of
These two alone were making my available time quite short. It was
at the same time that I was denied the pleasure of contributing by a
league of members that took my time answering their endless attacks.
I logged out.

Within four months, things were "back to normal". She was happy to
come to work — and I was so glad to have her back!) and the classes
had a new start. Two months later, following her suggestion and the
desire of the students. I came from time to time as guest to see if the
mood had changed… and it did.

So I logged in.